Successful Smoking Cessation is Greatly Enhanced When These 5 Qualities are Present

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INTENSE DESIRE: stresses the strength of feeling and often implies strong intention or aim.
You must first and foremost know that you want to quit, and you need to know why.
It may be helpful to make a list of what you will gain or how you expect you will feel after quitting.
Keep this list handy and look at it whenever you feel challenged to smoke.
In other words you need to want to quit.
ACCEPTANCE OF PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY: The state of being held as the cause of something that needs to be set right (responsibility for smoking lies with the smoker); accepts blame, fault, liability, accountability.
You have to accept that you are responsible for your habit.
Yes the cigarette manufacturers made it easy for you to get cigarettes, they made it look cool to smoke, and they put advertisements in your face, everywhere they could, however you lit the flame, you could have said no.
Smoking is a choice, you could choose not to.
PERSONAL DISCPLINE: training that corrects, molds, or perfects the mental faculties or moral character; control gained by enforcing obedience or order, orderly or prescribed conduct or pattern of behavior.
You will have to have personal discipline to force yourself to not light up.
Contrary to popular opinion you will not have physical discomfort from quitting, no physical with drawal symptoms if you will.
However you will have strong habitual mechanical reflexes to overcome, reaching for a pack or lighter, you will have strong mental urges to overcome.
Some of these reflexes and urges will go on for many years; they will surprise you when they happen.
It takes personal discipline to overcome these reflexes and urges.
COMMITMENT: an agreement or pledge to do something in the future; something pledged; the state or an instance of being obligated or emotionally impelled (a commitment to quit smoking).
Commitment is the cement that will hold this all together, if you will promise yourself that you can succeed, you will.
Tell other people that you have quit smoking.
Some will try to derail you; they are the ones who do not have the will to try to quit themselves.
Challenge yourself to show them that you really do have the commitment and will power to quit.
Try to find some ex-smokers to hang out with, they have fought the battle you are fighting, they know this is hard work, they will support you.
PASSION: This is the real secret.
Transfer the passion that you have for smoking, to not smoking.
Do you think smokers are not passionate about their habit, check when they only have 1 cigarette left? Passion can be defined as an intense, driving, or overmastering feeling or a strong liking or desire for or devotion to some activity, object, or concept.
Become passionate about not smoking, about improving your health and the health of those around you.
Maybe even save your own life.
It really is that important.
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