How Chlamydia Can Cause You Serious Health Damage
One of the most serious and often overlooked diseases in modern times is chlamydia.
Chlamydia is sexually-transmitted as can cause serious health complications contrary to popular belief.
The disease has been on the rise for the last 10 years and has been afflicting teenagers at alarming rates.
What makes the disease especially potent is the fact that it advances silently and sufferers may not even know that they have it.
This has causes many to spread it to their unsuspecting partners.
It is reported that almost 1 million teenagers have the disease and 75% do not even know it.
So how can one tell they have chlamydia? Discharge While it has been said that chlamydia advances rather silently, there are a few symptoms which may signal the presence of the disease.
Sometimes it is not possible to tell exactly just by the presence of one symptom but coupled with others, this might give a more accurate confirmation.
One's lifestyle is also something to be considered.
For example, if one starts experiencing painful urination after being very sexually active,this may signal the presence of chlamydia.
This acute burning feeling when passing urine is also sometimes accompanied by some discharge which is experienced by both male and females.
Rectal irritation Another symptom of chlamydia is having rectal irritation.
This can be mild and ongoing or serious.
If one constantly feels irritation in the rectum they need to consult a doctor.
Doctors can conduct more extensive tests and they can determine whether the symptoms being experienced are really chlamydia.
More serious complications Many teens and adults who suffer from chlamydia wave it away as a non-serious ailment but medical experts disagree.
While the disease is very treatable using a wide range of medication including antibiotics, it can cause serious damage if untreated.
The reason the disease is able to do this is because it is able to exist in one's system for lengthy periods without triggering any illness.
This is exactly what makes the disease serious and in many times sufferers do not even know they have it until it has become serious.
One of the most serious complications that can be attributed to chlamydia is infertility.
Because the disease parasites can also attack the cervix, they can interfere with the conception process.
Another serious malady that can be caused by chlamydia is what is called relative arthritis.
Research has also shown that people with chlamydia also have a higher chance of contracting gonorrhea and even HIV.
Chlamydia is sexually-transmitted as can cause serious health complications contrary to popular belief.
The disease has been on the rise for the last 10 years and has been afflicting teenagers at alarming rates.
What makes the disease especially potent is the fact that it advances silently and sufferers may not even know that they have it.
This has causes many to spread it to their unsuspecting partners.
It is reported that almost 1 million teenagers have the disease and 75% do not even know it.
So how can one tell they have chlamydia? Discharge While it has been said that chlamydia advances rather silently, there are a few symptoms which may signal the presence of the disease.
Sometimes it is not possible to tell exactly just by the presence of one symptom but coupled with others, this might give a more accurate confirmation.
One's lifestyle is also something to be considered.
For example, if one starts experiencing painful urination after being very sexually active,this may signal the presence of chlamydia.
This acute burning feeling when passing urine is also sometimes accompanied by some discharge which is experienced by both male and females.
Rectal irritation Another symptom of chlamydia is having rectal irritation.
This can be mild and ongoing or serious.
If one constantly feels irritation in the rectum they need to consult a doctor.
Doctors can conduct more extensive tests and they can determine whether the symptoms being experienced are really chlamydia.
More serious complications Many teens and adults who suffer from chlamydia wave it away as a non-serious ailment but medical experts disagree.
While the disease is very treatable using a wide range of medication including antibiotics, it can cause serious damage if untreated.
The reason the disease is able to do this is because it is able to exist in one's system for lengthy periods without triggering any illness.
This is exactly what makes the disease serious and in many times sufferers do not even know they have it until it has become serious.
One of the most serious complications that can be attributed to chlamydia is infertility.
Because the disease parasites can also attack the cervix, they can interfere with the conception process.
Another serious malady that can be caused by chlamydia is what is called relative arthritis.
Research has also shown that people with chlamydia also have a higher chance of contracting gonorrhea and even HIV.