How to Remove Oil Stains from Driveways
- 1). Hose down the driveway.
- 2). Pour ¼ cup of Dawn dishwashing liquid over the stain. If the stain is small, use less dishwashing detergent.
- 3). Use a stiff push broom to work the soap into the stain.
- 4). Allow the Dawn to set on the stain for five minutes. Scrub it with the brush again.
- 5). Rinse the Dawn from the driveway. Repeat if necessary. A relatively fresh oil stain will come out with one to three treatments.
- 1). Cover the oil stain with cheap, clay-based kitty litter (do not use clumping kitty litter).
- 2). Allow the kitty litter to sit overnight. Then sweep up the kitty litter.
- 3). Clean as instructed in Step 1 with Dawn dishwashing detergent. This method may also take a few applications. If you just spilled oil, always cover it with kitty litter or sawdust immediately. This not only picks up the excess oil, but also helps to keep the oil from penetrating deep into the cement.
- 1). Pour muratic acid on the stain. This method should be used on concrete only, as it will discolor the driveway. If the driveway is not flat, use a stiff bristle broom to keep the muratic acid on the stain. Pour enough out so that you can completely cover the stain when it's brushed around. Start with a 1/4 cup first, then add more if needed.
- 2). Work the acid into the stain.
- 3). Allow it to work for five or ten minutes, depending on the age of the stain. If the stain is very old, it may have worked deeper into the concrete.
- 4). Rinse the driveway well.
Dishwashing Detergent
Kitty Litter
Muratic Acid