Immigration Problem
Even discussing immigration is like touching a hot stove to these career politicians.
This is an example of how self-serving legislators ignore their responsibilities in order to remain in office.
United States uses the Border Patrol to prevent illegal immigrants from entering this country; deporting those, who are apprehended.
However, once these illegals gain entry into this country, they gain many of the privileges enjoyed by citizens of the United States.
This ambivalent policy for illegal immigrants, prevention on the one hand and benefits on the other hand, acts as an incentive rather than a deterrent to these third world immigrants.
The continuous failure of Congress to resolve the illegal immigration problem has resulted in having an estimated twelve million illegal aliens residing in the United States today.
There have been some halfhearted efforts to stem the flow of illegals, such as: increasing the size of the border patrol; utilizing the national guard; building walls and fences sporadically along the Mexican border; aircraft and tethered balloon surveillance; and lately, electronic towers.
All of these measures have had little success because they're treating the effect rather than the cause of this illegal migration.
The reason (cause) these brave, hardworking, unskilled, third world workers risk entering this country illegally is higher wages.
The approximately twelve million undocumented individuals have filled our need for minimum-wage workers at a huge cost.
We are importing, to our shores, poverty along with these uneducated foreigners.
Our liberal entitlement programs provide them with schooling, nutrition, health care (emergency rooms of hospitals), rebates for earned income tax credit, and citizenship for their approximately 400,000 children born in this country every year.
In parts of this country, they over-tax hospitals and school systems; in Arizona and California, several hospitals have been forced to close, unable to afford the free emergency room care given to these lawbreakers.
Middle class, American parents; with youngsters at schools overcrowded with language-impaired, illegal, immigrant children; are forced to send their youngsters to costly private academies for a decent education.
It's true that these illegals aren't entitled to collect the money they contributed to social security and their payments have somewhat ameliorated Social Security's shortfall.
However, should all of them attain citizenship; their sudden eligibility would swamp this agency.
Removing the reason, the cause, for the inflow of illegal immigrants will solve this problem.
The solution can be legislation with provisions that: All citizens and legal immigrants will be issued IDs.
Individuals must have IDs to be employed.
Employers will be subject to fines for any violations of this statue.
How to solve the problem of twelve million illegals residing in this country is difficult.
Deportation of that number of people is impossible; logistically and monetarily.
Giving amnesty to them would set a bad precedent, attracting even more illegal aliens.
Further, amnesty would be unfair to those foreigners waiting years to enter this country legally.
A fair and practical resolution could be: Every adult immigrant must register in the community, in which they reside; pay a fine, for illegal entry; to receive a temporary work ID.
Thereafter, for five years; one member of each family must be gainfully employed; pay taxes; social security; have no trouble with the law; and read and write English competently; to be eligible for citizenship.
Any illegal immigrant that fails to comply with those requirements will be deported.
The solutions to correct for Congress' procrastination must be acted upon promptly, because the immigration migration will only get worse.