What to Look For in a High-Quality Gucci Handbag

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Since its early days as a small leather goods store in Florence, Italy in the 1920s, Gucci has grown into one of the most prestigious brands in the fashion world. Thousands of women on every continent express their personal style with Gucci handbags, wallets, and other accessories.

Not surprisingly, Gucci’s popularity has prompted a deluge of imitators who attempt to replicate genuine Gucci purses. This isn’t always a bad thing -- many of these replica handbags are made using high-quality materials and careful methods of craftsmanship, and allow budget-minded consumers to enjoy the style they’ve always admired. But there are also some imitators that cut corners and create cheaply made bags that can literally fall apart at the seams.

How can you tell if a Gucci purse or replica is of a high enough quality to warrant the investment? The key is paying close attention to the details:

• Pay attention to the logo. A badly made Gucci handbag may have a logo that looks somehow “off”.  Common tip-offs include inaccurate centering or spacing, misspellings, and a lack of crispness or clarity. On monogrammed bags, check to make sure the “G’s” are symmetrical.

• Inspect the stitching of the bag. Real Gucci purses and high-quality replicas should have small, tight stitches. If the stitches are large and uneven, that’s a sign that the purse won’t stand up to wear and tear.

• Check the zippers, snaps, and other hardware. It should be firmly and evenly affixed to the leather, and the metal should be bright and gleaming.

• The liner of a genuine Gucci handbag or well-made replica bag should be neatly and tightly sewn in. The material should be durable and rugged.

• Ensure that the bag is made with one single piece of leather, rather than several smaller pieces stitched together.

• On a high-quality Gucci handbag, the colors should be bright and vivid. Poorly made bags may have faded or muted hues.

• If shopping for a Gucci wallet, make sure it has blue and red stripes, not red and green.

• Check the handbag straps to make sure they’re the appropriate thickness, are made from genuine leather, and have the same small, neat stitching as the rest of the bag.

• Make sure the words “Gucci Made in Italy” or “Gucci Parfums” are embossed in gold lettering somewhere on the purse or strap.

• Know what characteristics to look for in individual purse styles. For instance, on Gucci satchel bags, the monogrammed vinyl should be blue and brown with matching leather trim, accented by a twill racing stripe. The brown Gucci Accessory Collection handbags should have a red and green stripe. In the G.A. collection, the navy blue doctor bags should have a blue and red stripe.

Whether it’s a genuine Gucci purse or a replica, the signs of quality craftsmanship are relatively easy to spot. If a bag seems flimsy or cheap, it’s probably not worth the money -- no matter how great of a deal it might seem. Authentic Gucci handbags use only the finest Italian leathers, precious metals, and durable fabrics. Don’t settle for anything less.

Want to know more about authentic Gucci purse? Visit http://www.handbags800.com  for more articles on LV,Gucci,Chanel,Hermes and other designer bags.

Visit http://gucci-review.com  for latest Gucci Handbags,Pursese and Bags Reviews

Visit http://louis-vuitton-review.com  for Latest LVHandbags,Purses and Bags Reviews
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