Really Simple Syndication - RSS A Great Support for E-Commerce
0 Feed or "Subscribe RSS Feed".
Some people leave it because they think it complicated some people think this is some kind of internal website tool and some people do not want to know about this.
Today we shall talk about RSS Feeds and how it can be beneficial for us and for our websites.
Web syndication has been used to distribute product content.
Given that manufacturers as authorities and that most sales do not happen on manufacturer Web sites, best-in-class manufacturers take their best content and enable other retailers or dealers to publish the information on their sites.
Highly beneficial for E-Commerce.
before use this option you must know about this.
Here we start.
First of all RSS meaning is Really Simple Syndication or web syndication.
Web syndication means a kind of syndication in which website material is available to multiple other sites.
Web syndication refers to making web feeds available from a site in order to provide other people a summary of the website's recently added content.
We can say if I have news on my website and I make a feed for others and other websites can show news of my website and this is license to show other website information content on your website.
you can share critical and informative data on internet and internet social networks.
History of RSS is begin when in 1995 Ramanathan V.
Guha and others in Apple Computer's Advanced Technology Group developed the Meta Content Framework.
it works when in 1999 when Studio One Networks produced and distributed the first series of syndicated programs designed to be distributed on the Internet for its sponsor American Honda.
Now a day millions of RSS feeds you can see on websites and thousands of RSS software you can grab from net to see these feeds.
We not only can share other data on our website we can also see others websites data on RSS software and we do not need to open websites again and again to check news and latest information.
Today we shall discus how RSS works, how we can use different software to see others RSS and how can we add a RSS in our website and make our website source of interesting innovative news.
RSS is based on XML which is (Extensible Mark up Language).
If you do not heard about XML do not worry, we are not going to write any code in this language.
I was just telling you the basic language behind this use full product.
An RSS feed is an XML file that resides on a Web server and is accessible by URL.
When you visit a website which have RSS feed.
You can see RSS feed button or XML some where.
By clicking on this you can subscribe this facility you can see that by using an RSS reader program, you can corral the information you want in one place, and read it much more easily.
RSS readers typically check subscribed feeds approximately once an hour, so when an RSS feed is updated, your RSS reader notifies you.
All you have to do is to let the highly filtered information come in.
If you're interested in publishing your own information, RSS is good for you too.
Want to get the word out on your favorite topics? campaign to set aside space for a consumer market, updates for the software you write, or just tips on pet care anything is fair game when it comes to RSS.
RSS also special part of Web blogs.
Blogs are online journals becoming very popular these days, and usually include commentary on just about anything.
Many blogging sites automatically convert blog entries into RSS items.
That means you do not need to visit blog for read each entry.
The new entry will me available for you on your RSS software.
We have three famous version of RSS widely using on websites.
RSS 0.
91 It's the first professional version, Officially, it's been replaced by version 2.
0, but it's still in usage.
It's easy to upgrade RSS 0.
91 to version 2.
version 0.
91 is limited to 15 news items per feed.
RSS 1.
0 This version of RSS, which differs significantly from versions 0.
91 and 2.
0, is a bit of an offshoot: Based on the Resource Description Framework (RDF) language.
But in many ways, RSS 1.
0 represents a branch of the main RSS tree.
RSS 2.
0 RSS 2.
0 is our best choice as of this writing, if you want the most widespread audience.
This version is an extension of version 0.
92 (which was the successor to version 0.
Versions 0.
92 and 2.
0 add power notably, the ability to use enclosures, you can also do pod casting.
Now we look how to create your own RSS Feed.
You have to download a software which can create an XML.
Like here I choose UKOLN-RSS-Express.
UKOLN-RSS-Express is channel editor to create, modify, and register your RSS feeds.
It will required following details from you to create XML feed.
Here you have to enter required information in the blanks provided in UKOLN-RSS-Express editor: Channel Title: Channel Name which will appear in the titles window an RSS reader.
Channel Link: A URL for information on your channel for example, your home page or your sub pages.
Description: A description of your RSS feed.
This description will be shown on your feed.
Copyright: The copyright date or year.
Webmaster: we can add name and email of our web master.
Language: Choose your RSS feed Language.
Image Title: this text will be shown if a user can see your RSS image.
Image URL: The image file URL, where the RSS reader get the images.
Image Link: you can link your image with a URL if you like.
If a user click image he will driven to the specified web address.
With above settings you can make a RSS XML file and upload that file with any ftp software and now you have to add a button on your website.
You can simple add a button or text "Subscribe RSS"on your website which shall prompt that XML file.