5 Easy Tips on How to Save Money
As you all probably know the world is facing it's biggest depression in years duo to the greed and irresponsibility of the world's (former) biggest business men and women.
Many people all over the world where hit pretty hard by the depression, losing their homes, their jobs, their cars and really just many of their possessions that they'd rather keep.
So what can you do as an individual to cut down on your costs? The following tips are very simple and just about anyone should be able to follow without any problems.
And I can't stress this enough.
Don't act like your rich when your not.
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that if you keep buying stuff that you can't afford, like with your credit card for example, and the bills keep piling up soon you wont bee able to buy anything you want because of your limited income and as we know everybody has to eat.
Sure having a credit card might sound awesome, I mean who doesn't want free money that they don't have to worry about until next month.
But the thing with credit cars is that if you max it out each month there's a service charge up to 5-10% of you authorized withdraw (depending on your customer status and service provider) which means that in 10-20 months you'll be paying the total of your bill just in extra fees, money that you'll never see again.
And once you get started with the credit card it can be really difficult to pay it off and stop using it.
So take my word for it, do not use you credit card unless you absolutely have to.
If you already have an outstanding credit card bill you should try to pay it down or the course of a few months.
Maybe 50 buck this month, 30 bucks the month after and so on.
Because every little thing counts.
Don't buy name brands.
Sure buying a Sorny television might not sound as cool as a Sony but the fact of the matter is that many of the unknown brands equipment is just as good as the brand ones and the fact of the matter is that if you don't buy it from the back of a truck almost all stores will have at least 1 year guaranty or even longer.
The same thing goes for food.
Because these are hard times and as unappealing as it may sound these are hard times and you have to take that into consideration when you're shopping for food.
Because even if the unknown brands don't have as mush nutrient values as the brand ones the cost difference can be up to (and in some cases over) 100% which can really make a difference during these hard times.
Don't drive more than you have to.
With today's gas prices you can't really afford to be driving anywhere you want to go and should really think about taking the subway, the train or the bus because every thing adds up.
And carpool, this is very important because it can save you a lot of money especially if you have to drive a long distance to get to where you're going.
And I'm not just talking about work.
You should also carpool to school or even ask your neighbour when he's going shopping and ask if he'd like to carpool with you.
There's really no limit for this one.
Don't go out drinking with our friends every weekend, and if you do definitely don't do it both Friday and Saturday.
And when you do go out drinking don't buy your favorite beer or vodka, buy the cheapest one you can find, because after a few sips you won't even know the difference.
Try to but away a certain amount of money each month and but it in a different bank account than you main one.
Because if you keep it in your main bank account and think "sure I'll leave 50 buck on my account and I'll only use it if necessary" it will be gone before you know it.
And if you can't do it for some reason one month still try to do it next month because it's very important to have a backup fund should things go sour.
Many people all over the world where hit pretty hard by the depression, losing their homes, their jobs, their cars and really just many of their possessions that they'd rather keep.
So what can you do as an individual to cut down on your costs? The following tips are very simple and just about anyone should be able to follow without any problems.
And I can't stress this enough.
Don't act like your rich when your not.
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that if you keep buying stuff that you can't afford, like with your credit card for example, and the bills keep piling up soon you wont bee able to buy anything you want because of your limited income and as we know everybody has to eat.
Sure having a credit card might sound awesome, I mean who doesn't want free money that they don't have to worry about until next month.
But the thing with credit cars is that if you max it out each month there's a service charge up to 5-10% of you authorized withdraw (depending on your customer status and service provider) which means that in 10-20 months you'll be paying the total of your bill just in extra fees, money that you'll never see again.
And once you get started with the credit card it can be really difficult to pay it off and stop using it.
So take my word for it, do not use you credit card unless you absolutely have to.
If you already have an outstanding credit card bill you should try to pay it down or the course of a few months.
Maybe 50 buck this month, 30 bucks the month after and so on.
Because every little thing counts.
Don't buy name brands.
Sure buying a Sorny television might not sound as cool as a Sony but the fact of the matter is that many of the unknown brands equipment is just as good as the brand ones and the fact of the matter is that if you don't buy it from the back of a truck almost all stores will have at least 1 year guaranty or even longer.
The same thing goes for food.
Because these are hard times and as unappealing as it may sound these are hard times and you have to take that into consideration when you're shopping for food.
Because even if the unknown brands don't have as mush nutrient values as the brand ones the cost difference can be up to (and in some cases over) 100% which can really make a difference during these hard times.
Don't drive more than you have to.
With today's gas prices you can't really afford to be driving anywhere you want to go and should really think about taking the subway, the train or the bus because every thing adds up.
And carpool, this is very important because it can save you a lot of money especially if you have to drive a long distance to get to where you're going.
And I'm not just talking about work.
You should also carpool to school or even ask your neighbour when he's going shopping and ask if he'd like to carpool with you.
There's really no limit for this one.
Don't go out drinking with our friends every weekend, and if you do definitely don't do it both Friday and Saturday.
And when you do go out drinking don't buy your favorite beer or vodka, buy the cheapest one you can find, because after a few sips you won't even know the difference.
Try to but away a certain amount of money each month and but it in a different bank account than you main one.
Because if you keep it in your main bank account and think "sure I'll leave 50 buck on my account and I'll only use it if necessary" it will be gone before you know it.
And if you can't do it for some reason one month still try to do it next month because it's very important to have a backup fund should things go sour.