Instructions for an Automatic Marshmellow Gun
- 1). Cut two 3-inch pieces of 1/2-inch diameter PVC pipe with a hacksaw that will become the handles for holding your marshmallow gun. Cut a 5-inch piece of PVC pipe with the hacksaw that will become the firing chamber of your marshmallow gun. Cut a 7-inch piece of PVC pipe with the hacksaw that will become the barrel of your marshmallow gun.
- 2). Put newspaper on a table. Put a 3-inch PVC pipe on the left side of the newspaper vertically so that one end faces you.
- 3). Screw the bottom end of a 90-degree elbow fitting to the top end of the 3-inch PVC pipe. Screw the top end of the 90-degree elbow fitting to one side of the 5-inch PVC pipe.
- 4). Screw one end of a T-pipe fitting to the other side of the 5-inch PVC pipe. Screw one end of the 7-inch PVC pipe to the other end of the T-pipe fitting.
- 5). Screw one end of a T-pipe fitting to the other end of the 7-inch PVC pipe. Screw a 3-inch PVC pipe into the bottom end of the T-pipe fitting.
- 6). Put a PVC cap on the newspaper. Drill a hole in the center with the portable drill.
- 7). Insert the nipple at the end of the hose of the bicycle pump into the hole in the PVC cap. Apply bonding glue around the hole to cement the hose to the PVC cap. Let the bonding glue dry for three hours.
- 8). Screw the PVC cap onto the top end of the T-pipe fitting that is attached to the 7-inch PVC pipe. Apply bonding glue around the PVC cap to cement it to the top end of the T-pipe fitting. Let the bonding glue dry for three hours.
- 9). Put a mini-marshmallow into the end of the 7-inch PVC pipe. Hold the automatic marshmallow gun you have made with the end of the 7-inch PVC pipe facing your "target." Pump the handle of the bicycle pump quickly to fire the marshmallow. Put another mini-marshmallow into the end of the 7-inch PVC pipe and fire it off as well. Continue firing until all of the mini-marshmallows are gone.