Want to Build a Deck? Want to Know Where to Start?
But taking the right approach can help you to achieve success.
Here are some helpful tips: 1.
Be a man (or woman) with a plan.
The deck plan is one of the most crucial aspects of building the structure.
You don't necessarily have to be an architect to create the plan.
But the plan should be sufficient for securing the permit, collecting the materials, and steering the construction.
Location, location, location.
While your deck can be freestanding, as a matter of convenience it's advisable that you attach it to your house.
Where you build the deck will impact issues such as how many posts and footings you'll need.
Have the right tools for the right job.
Basically, there are four categories of tools that you'll need: hand tools, power tools, measuring/layout tools, and miscellaneous equipment.
Fix grading and drainage problems.
This is a crucial step if you want to build a deck, to ensure that it will remain intact for several years.
To prevent settling from occurring where you install the deck, it's crucial that the soil stays compact where you'll install the deck's footings.
This will further ensure that the deck stays secure.
Choose a sturdy type of wood.
This goes without saying, though certain wood types are sturdier than others.
Some of the most common ones are cedar, pine, and redwood.
The main benefit of these wood types is that they provide excellent resistance to decay due to moisture.
Remember that size matters.
The size of the different materials needed to build the deck is crucial.
This includes the beams, joists, and deck boards.
While there are some basic industry standards for each of these items, the size of the materials will basically be based on the overall size of the deck.
Secure a building permit.
This step is crucial to ensure the health and safety of your household.
Sometimes it's also required so your homeowners' insurance policy covers the deck.
If you want to build a deck, these tips will help you to construct an attractive, sturdy, and effective one that your family will enjoy for years!