How Have Your Parameters Changed?
Each phase of our life is defined by new parameters.
Those parameters come from our own beliefs and actions and can be expanded through the choices we make.
"Parameter" means limitation, restraint, and restriction.
I don't want any of those.
Do you? The growing old parameter The majority of people believe that when you grow old, you diminish in physical capacity.
You get sick and you die.
Because we look for that diminished capacity, that is what we see.
However, when you take time to look around, there are plenty of people who are active and productive as well as old.
Which would you rather be? Change what you believe is possible and it becomes your experience.
You location parameter As I examined this idea of parameters, my first thought was that some of my parameters are defined by my physical location, by this apartment, this community, this town.
I have no plans to move.
I'm tucked into an environment that nourishes me.
I love the birch tree outside my window, the panoramic view of the clouds, the birds surrounding my birdfeeder, and the possessions I choose to surround myself with.
Out of all these location parameters, the one thing that is easy to change is what possessions I keep around me and how if I will allow my stuff to crowd me.
Ah ha, that's a choice to make about my location parameter.
Your health parameter Would you rather take medicine or balance your body with healthy food choices? It amazes me that many people in this senior population are content to stuff pills into their bodies and never consider how simply choosing a plant-based diet might let them move back to better health.
They don't want to be bothered to change.
I've gone from Vegetarian to Vegan and on to no sugar and I'm finally losing weight I've carried for years.
I want to be healthy.
I want to stay healthy.
The degree of my health is a parameter I can pro-actively change.
Would you rather sit in a chair all day or learn a Qi Gong practice that will balance your body? Sitting is very bad for you yet we are not willing to make any effort to find a form of movement that supports the flexibility and strength of our bodies.
The idea that the movement of the Qi energy in your body determines your well-being is a Chinese concept.
Although I spent years doing yoga, a year learning T'ai Chi, and ten years doing Falun Gong, the four months I've been doing Zhan Zhaung Qi Gong is making a huge difference in the strength and flexibility of my body.
Find what works for you and make it a part of your plan.
Expand the parameters of your health and flexibility.
Some parameters are easily expanded My most cherished gift is my mind.
It leads me down fascinating paths of discovery, it entertains me, it offers insights and understanding.
My parameters expand with my mind as I learn things I never knew before and tried things I've never done before.
The internet is filled with things I don't know.
I can explore to my heart's content.
My mind profoundly expands my parameters.
The parameters I have the most control over lie in my attitude and beliefs.
I can learn to be less judgmental.
I can learn to be more curious.
I can change my beliefs as I stay open to new concepts and insights and then make up my own mind.
I can be proactive through the internet.
I can find like-minded people online that are not present in my physical surroundings.
What attitude and beliefs are confining your parameter and which ones are you ready to change? Increase the parameter of your expectation What you expect you get.
If you expect it to be hard, it will be.
If you expect it to be easy, it will be.
If you expect it to be possible, it will be.
Look carefully at what you think can happen and expand the parameters of what you expect to happen.
Take charge of your parameters As I moved into retirement, my parameters changed so dramatically that I am still finding my balance.
It helps me to know that I still have control over every facet of my life: what I think, what I believe, what I choose to do.
What are your parameters for this phase of your life and what are you going to do to expand them?
Those parameters come from our own beliefs and actions and can be expanded through the choices we make.
"Parameter" means limitation, restraint, and restriction.
I don't want any of those.
Do you? The growing old parameter The majority of people believe that when you grow old, you diminish in physical capacity.
You get sick and you die.
Because we look for that diminished capacity, that is what we see.
However, when you take time to look around, there are plenty of people who are active and productive as well as old.
Which would you rather be? Change what you believe is possible and it becomes your experience.
You location parameter As I examined this idea of parameters, my first thought was that some of my parameters are defined by my physical location, by this apartment, this community, this town.
I have no plans to move.
I'm tucked into an environment that nourishes me.
I love the birch tree outside my window, the panoramic view of the clouds, the birds surrounding my birdfeeder, and the possessions I choose to surround myself with.
Out of all these location parameters, the one thing that is easy to change is what possessions I keep around me and how if I will allow my stuff to crowd me.
Ah ha, that's a choice to make about my location parameter.
Your health parameter Would you rather take medicine or balance your body with healthy food choices? It amazes me that many people in this senior population are content to stuff pills into their bodies and never consider how simply choosing a plant-based diet might let them move back to better health.
They don't want to be bothered to change.
I've gone from Vegetarian to Vegan and on to no sugar and I'm finally losing weight I've carried for years.
I want to be healthy.
I want to stay healthy.
The degree of my health is a parameter I can pro-actively change.
Would you rather sit in a chair all day or learn a Qi Gong practice that will balance your body? Sitting is very bad for you yet we are not willing to make any effort to find a form of movement that supports the flexibility and strength of our bodies.
The idea that the movement of the Qi energy in your body determines your well-being is a Chinese concept.
Although I spent years doing yoga, a year learning T'ai Chi, and ten years doing Falun Gong, the four months I've been doing Zhan Zhaung Qi Gong is making a huge difference in the strength and flexibility of my body.
Find what works for you and make it a part of your plan.
Expand the parameters of your health and flexibility.
Some parameters are easily expanded My most cherished gift is my mind.
It leads me down fascinating paths of discovery, it entertains me, it offers insights and understanding.
My parameters expand with my mind as I learn things I never knew before and tried things I've never done before.
The internet is filled with things I don't know.
I can explore to my heart's content.
My mind profoundly expands my parameters.
The parameters I have the most control over lie in my attitude and beliefs.
I can learn to be less judgmental.
I can learn to be more curious.
I can change my beliefs as I stay open to new concepts and insights and then make up my own mind.
I can be proactive through the internet.
I can find like-minded people online that are not present in my physical surroundings.
What attitude and beliefs are confining your parameter and which ones are you ready to change? Increase the parameter of your expectation What you expect you get.
If you expect it to be hard, it will be.
If you expect it to be easy, it will be.
If you expect it to be possible, it will be.
Look carefully at what you think can happen and expand the parameters of what you expect to happen.
Take charge of your parameters As I moved into retirement, my parameters changed so dramatically that I am still finding my balance.
It helps me to know that I still have control over every facet of my life: what I think, what I believe, what I choose to do.
What are your parameters for this phase of your life and what are you going to do to expand them?