No one, who watched the towers crumble will ever be able to put those memories to rest.
People who have since visited New York City, and have gone to the site, have trouble grasping the enormity of it.
Looking down at this tremendous hole in the earth, where workers look like ants walking about, and then remembering looking up to where the towers literally blocked out the sun, is still mind boggling to me.
This scar on our memory is nothing compared to what the people who lost loved ones have endured.
This horror in our minds is nothing compared to the suffering of all the people who rushed in to try and save others.
They are still suffering from all kinds of illnesses because of inhalingthe toxic fumes released.
Many people feel there was a coverup regarding this fateful day.
They say the towers fell too quickly for it to only be the airplanes hitting the buildings.
They say the towers fell faster than the speed of gravity.
They claim the shearing of the support beams show explosions in the subbasements.
I do not know what happened.
All I do know is that September 11th, 2001 will be remembered, along with the bombing of Pearl Harbor, as one of the most terrible days in our countries history.
To everyone personally affected by 9/11/01, our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Know there is such a thing as karma and the karma these terrorists have to face is a thousand times worse than the pain of their victims.
I wrote a poem about that day.
The last stanza reads ...
I do not know if they believe in hell, but this I know in my very soul.
They will feel the horror of every cell, of their victims in their own death knoll.