Nurse Practitioner Salary
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The RN median earnings is $40.39 per hour if separated from the RN earnings information. As calculated by the U.S. BLS it's $31.71. rock bottom 100 percent earn $25.00 per hour and people within the higher 100 percent earn quite $50.00 per hour.
On Associate in Nursing annual basis the median RN earnings is $84,015 rock bottom 100 percent earn but $50,000 each year whereas the higher 100 percent earn quite $110,000 each year. These salaries area unit calculated as a mean or average.
Lowest and Highest RN earnings
The lowest paid Advanced RN Practitioners earn but $60,000 annually whereas the best paid earn the maximum amount as $125,000 each year. The additional specialised nurse practitioners like a nurse specialist could earn over $200,000 each year.
Top five States
the simplest paying states for Associate in Nursing ARNP to earn a earnings area unit California, Massachusetts, Hawaii, Alaska, and Nevada.
Top five Metropolitan Areas
The best town or metropolitan area unitas to earn Associate in Nursing NP earnings are Vallejo-Fairfield CA, San Jose CA, Oakland CA, port of entry CA, and Salinas CA.
Other Industries that use Nurse Practitioners
There area unit variety of employment opportunities for the RN. They primarily add family or internal medicine. alternative employment opportunities exist in universities, personal follow, state and federal further because the military.
Employment information
it's calculable that there area unit over one hundred fifty,000 RN Practitioners within the U.S. the bulk of them add clinics, doctor offices and imperative care centers.
Where They Work
There area unit variety of employment opportunities for the RN. They primarily add family or internal medicine. There area unit openings for acute care, important care, pediatrics, psychiatry, and medicine. Rural hospitals and clinics usually provide additional incentives for the RN willing to find to the agricultural setting.
Private follow vs. Employment
There is a growing trend for several aid professionals to enter into Associate in Nursing employment arrangement with a hospital or alternative aid entity. the benefits area unit that there aren't any workplace overhead, workers to rent and therefore the hospital provides insurance. There still remains a major profit to fitting a personal follow. One distinctive setting with over average earnings and edges for the RN is within the military.
Fringe edges like vacation, insurance and retirement plans can vary reckoning on the work setting and size of the leader. A typical edges package is value over $20,000 each year.