Honest Riches 2007 - Is This The Best E-marketing Book Ever ?
Like many I saw Holly's ad page partly because of the reference to the Rich Jerk. I had bought his book and was quite impressed with it even if some of the techniques he advocates are less than completely honest.
There is none of that in Holly's book. It gives step by step instructions on how to start small and build up. She covers affiliate marketing, how to research your niche, marketing without a website, building a website, Google Adsense, Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), marketing with lists, advertising your website, creating e-books and more. In other words nearly everything.
She offers to provide a free website although you do need to take out her recommended hosting package, although compared to other providers, although not the cheapest, its not a bad deal.
My only reservation in term of the content is that there are almost too many options for building websites, She is very keen on a Content management System called Joomla which I must confess with 15 years of Internet experience as an IT consultant I had never heard of, and there are a number of other website tools described and maybe it would have been better to stick to one or two. There is also a little bit of technical detail that maybe could have been glossed over a little.
My only other negative point is that after ordering the book you get an advert for another book, a standard up-selling technique which I don't like and am not convinced works anyway. But then Holly also provides a set of free and previously unadvertised bonuses providing some more useful information.
Of course this all comes with the usual caveat that this book will not make you rich overnight. But it will give you a great head start. The links on this book alone would take you hours and hours to find and maybe worth the price of the book alone.
Some Internet wealth creation books focus simply on one particular area e.g. Search Engine Optimisation, Adwords, Adsense and so on and for some of the experts this is fine. But Holly's book is much more general and well worth it for the price of $37
If you're not prepared to put some effort into making money then don't buy this book. But if you are, especially if you are not really sure about how get started then I suggest you consider this useful book.