Lawn Fungus & Overseeding
- Most lawns can bounce back after contracting a fungal disease. However, severe infection sometimes warrants fungicides. Diseases such as typhula blight, sclerotinia dollar spot and fusarium patch require fungicides. When treating the lawn with fungicides, make sure that the fungicide treats your specific lawn disease. For example, fungicides that contain the active ingredient benomyl are used on fusarium patch, according to British Columbia Ministry of Agriculture. Reapply according to the directions.
- Thick thatch over 1/2 an inch encourages fungal diseases, according to Kansas State University. Also, gardeners must remove a thick thatch layer before overseeding their lawns. Grass seed must have contact with the soil in order to germinate and establish strong root systems. Gardeners can push a power dethatcher back and forth across their lawn to remove their thatch. If you are physically up for it, you can also use a rake to rip the thatch through the grass blades. Rake up the thatch debris in case disease causing fungal spores still exist in the thatch.
- Aerate your soil with a core aerator. Core aerators improve soil drainage, which helps prevent further fungal disease problems. The aerator works by pulling up 1/2 to 3/4 of an inch in diameter and one to six inch deep pieces of dirt, according to Virginia Cooperative Extension. After aerating the lawn, apply a starter fertilizer to promote grass seed growth. Use a starter fertilizer high in phosphorous such as one that has a NPK amount of 5-10-5 at a rate of 20 pounds per 1,000 square feet, as recommended by the University of California.
- Broadcast your grass seed over the lawn. The amount of grass seed you use depends on the type of grass you are growing. For instance, Kentucky bluegrass needs distribution at a rate of two to three pounds per 1,000 square feet, according to the University of California. Cover the grass seed with 1/8 of an inch of dirt or compost. Keep the grass seed moist for one week, so that it can germinate. Dried out grass seed will not germinate.
Treating Lawn Fungal Diseases
Disease Prevention
Preparing the Lawn