How Does Diet Affect the Chances of Conceiving?
- Acupuncture for infertility
There are few times as exciting for couples as when they are planning to have a child. At the same time, there are few things as frustrating as not being able to conceive. Problems with conception do not necessarily point to infertility, which is defined as the inability to conceive after a year of trying. Millions of dollars are spent every year by couples who are trying to have a child. From acupuncture to in vitro fertilization, they are willing to try anything to make their dreams come true. Yet there is a step a couple can can take before going to see a fertility specialist, and that is to take a look at their daily diet. - Sperm and egg
When women become pregnant, they know they have to watch their diet, as they're eating for two. Unfortunately, many women don't pay much attention to their diet before that happens, and even though they don't realize it, diet plays a major role in their ability to conceive and the health of the fetus. However, infertility is not just a woman's issue. Almost half of the cases involving problems conceiving are related to problems with male fertility. Diet affects a man's reproductive system as much as a woman's. Nutritional choices affect every part of this system, from hormonal fluctuations to sperm count. - Cut back on the caffeine.
While there is much debate in the medical community as to whether or not caffeine affects conception, the best thing to do is avoid it. A study done at Boston College determined that consuming caffeine was a risk factor for impaired fertility. While the studies have not been able to say exactly how this happens, there are facts about caffeine that we do know. It is a stimulant to the nervous system, which leads to stress on the body. Stress affects a woman's menstrual cycle and delays conception. - Soybeans
Soy is another food ingredient that women should avoid. Soy contains plant estrogens that can also cause changes in menstrual cycles. According to Kaayla Daniel, a Ph.D. and CCN in New Mexico, "a glass of soy milk contains 45mg of soy isoflavones, the amount that can cause infertility." While you may not be able to avoid all products that contains soy--which range from mayonnaise to soups--you can choose to not consume products that are predominantly soy, such as soy milk or soybeans. - Sugar-loaded pastries must go.
Sugar should also be avoided, as it causes a rise in insulin, a hormone that affects other hormones that can lead to conception problems. Sugar also leads to yeast overgrowth, which affects the ovaries and can eventually cause endometriosis. Once you do conceive, sugar needs to be limited to reduce the risk of gestational diabetes, so think of avoiding sugar not only as a way to increase your chance of conceiving, but as preparation for a healthy pregnancy. - One of the many varieties of calcium supplements that are on the market
Marilyn M. Shannon, in her book "Fertility, Cycles and Nutrition," states that a sugar found in milk, called galactose, is converted by the liver into blood glucose. However, not all women can easily convert galactose. In that case, the galactose circulates "as is" in the bloodstream and is harmful to unfertilized eggs. If the unfertilized eggs cannot develop, this hampers ovulation and reduces the chances of conception. So where can you get the calcium you need to get ready for pregnancy? From leafy greens, broccoli and brussels sprouts, just to name a few. Calcium supplements should also be taken, as they provide a proper ratio of calcium to magnesium, which is vital for calcium absorption. So even if you want to get all of your calcium from milk, without the right amount of magnesium in your system, the calcium will not be properly absorbed. - Any type of alcohol should be avoided.
A Harvard medical study found that women who had more than one drink a day were 60 percent less likely to conceive, and the women who had even one drink per day were 30 percent less likely to conceive than those who didn't drink at all. This includes all alcoholic beverages, from beer to champagne. For men, alcohol not only lowers sperm count in semen, but contributes to high levels of abnormal sperm in those lower counts. Alcohol needs to be completely eliminated by both parties. - Plenty of good food to support conception.
While the above items should be avoided (along with as many processed foods as possible), there are nutritional choices that should be added to the diet. For men and women, folic acid (a B vitamin) is a must. A lack of folic acid in men contributes to lower sperm count. Women need folic acid to reduce the risk of birth defects upon conception. While it is available in leafy greens like kale and spinach, you should supplement it with 400mcg daily to make sure you are getting the proper amount. Antioxidants like Vitamin C, Vitamin E and betacarotene all play a role in the prevention of birth defects. They also fight off dangerous free radicals and keep the body functioning at its optimum, which assists in hormone and egg production in women and sperm production in men. Zinc is a necessary mineral for everyone, but men especially need to supplement it, as a lack of zinc has been shown to reduce semen production and testosterone levels. It is available as a supplement or in beans, lean beef and oysters. Vitamin D also plays an important role in fertility. According to the Journal of Nutrition (110:1573-1580, 1980), "in the absence of Vitamin D, fertility is diminished." To get the proper amount of Vitamin D, supplementation is generally the best route.
While monitoring what to eat and not to eat to support conception can seem overwhelming, simply remember to avoid processed foods as much as possible and fill your plate with fresh vegetables, fruit and lean protein.
Problems Conceiving
How Diet Affects Couples
Avoid Caffeine
Steer Clear of Soy
Nix the Sugar
Believe It or Not ... Avoid Milk
Alcohol: Just Say No
What to Add to the Diet