Having a Blog in Network Marketing
If you have a network marketing business, then you want to meet new people on a daily basis.
One great way to meet others is through a blog.
I'd like to share some dos and don'ts for that blog: 1.
Do share with others who you are.
Share your hobbies, your family and even some of your day to day life.
Not only do I have my interests in my profile, but I also try to incorporate those interests into my posts.
Don't make each post an ad for your company or product.
Nothing will send readers away quicker than reading daily ads.
Sure, you can have a button or text ad on the side bar.
Sure you can share how you've used your products in your day to day life, but save the ads for the classifieds.
As you post, ask yourself if you would want to do business with someone posting as you are.
Meaning if you choose to use cuss words, do you think that will help or hurt business? If you choose to complain, do you think that will help or hurt you? If you don't proof your work and there are errors, do you think that help or hut you? 4.
If someone comments, respond.
This shows the reader that if they contact you regarding business, they can count on a response.
I try to do a combination of emailing those who comment and also commenting back.
Not everyone comments with an email address, so I'm not able to email everyone back.
Don't badmouth others on your blog.
If you're blogging in an attempt to attract others, most people don't want to do business with those who badmouth others.
There is one woman in particular who I see bad mouth her kids, her husband, her neighbors and those she works with.
I don't even read her blog anymore.
She just never had anything nice to say.
Make it a point to find a few new blogs each and every day to comment on.
This is called networking.
Find bloggers who share your interests, live in your state, like the same author etc.
I've even found bloggers through their comments on other people's blogs.
Once you find blogs to comment on, see if a relationship develops.
If the blogger responds or comments back, cultivate and build that relationship.
Don't make people jump through hoops to leave you a comment.
So what if you get some spam.
Make it as easy as possible for others to speak with you.
Forget the word verification.
If I can't read the letters on the word verification, I'll sometimes just walk away.
Do let people know how to reach you.
Yes, I have my email address right on my blog.
Yes, I get some spam, but so what? I hit delete and it's gone.
Blogging in network marketing is about meeting others and developing relationships with these people.
Make it easy.
Then enjoy your new friends.
One great way to meet others is through a blog.
I'd like to share some dos and don'ts for that blog: 1.
Do share with others who you are.
Share your hobbies, your family and even some of your day to day life.
Not only do I have my interests in my profile, but I also try to incorporate those interests into my posts.
Don't make each post an ad for your company or product.
Nothing will send readers away quicker than reading daily ads.
Sure, you can have a button or text ad on the side bar.
Sure you can share how you've used your products in your day to day life, but save the ads for the classifieds.
As you post, ask yourself if you would want to do business with someone posting as you are.
Meaning if you choose to use cuss words, do you think that will help or hurt business? If you choose to complain, do you think that will help or hurt you? If you don't proof your work and there are errors, do you think that help or hut you? 4.
If someone comments, respond.
This shows the reader that if they contact you regarding business, they can count on a response.
I try to do a combination of emailing those who comment and also commenting back.
Not everyone comments with an email address, so I'm not able to email everyone back.
Don't badmouth others on your blog.
If you're blogging in an attempt to attract others, most people don't want to do business with those who badmouth others.
There is one woman in particular who I see bad mouth her kids, her husband, her neighbors and those she works with.
I don't even read her blog anymore.
She just never had anything nice to say.
Make it a point to find a few new blogs each and every day to comment on.
This is called networking.
Find bloggers who share your interests, live in your state, like the same author etc.
I've even found bloggers through their comments on other people's blogs.
Once you find blogs to comment on, see if a relationship develops.
If the blogger responds or comments back, cultivate and build that relationship.
Don't make people jump through hoops to leave you a comment.
So what if you get some spam.
Make it as easy as possible for others to speak with you.
Forget the word verification.
If I can't read the letters on the word verification, I'll sometimes just walk away.
Do let people know how to reach you.
Yes, I have my email address right on my blog.
Yes, I get some spam, but so what? I hit delete and it's gone.
Blogging in network marketing is about meeting others and developing relationships with these people.
Make it easy.
Then enjoy your new friends.