The Bridegroom Comes By Dr Richard Ruhling
Richard Ruhling offers the reader a straightforward answer to the question "How Not to Be Left Behind.
" Newspaper headlines today alert their readers of the signs of the times, with headlines of war, rumors of war, and earthquakes.
Astute Christians are being drawn to the message of Biblical prophetic theology.
Scholars offer their opinions with the warning that we are living in end times.
Ruhling provides insight into the importance of sharing the warning of a coming crisis.
He produces evidence that the solar system, alignment on Mary 5, 2000 is a sign of the nearness of the end and a reminder of coming judgment, as in Noah's day.
Ruhling prudently points out that there is a diversity of opinions on the interpretation of the White Horse in Revelation chapter six as well as the often misunderstood message concerning the rapture of the church.
Advanced Biblical students will expand their knowledge base and find new insights into these truths as they reflect on Ruhling's conclusions.
New Christians and others not familiar with end-times teaching and the different interpretations will find this work a helpful resource tool for further study.
The chronological appendix and the practical considerations is helpful in visualizing an end-times sequence and time-line.
This is a two in one book which includes Dr.
Ruhling's book "America in Prophecy" which deals with end-time issues in Daniel and Revelation.
Richard Ruhling expands on the Biblical message of the signs of the nearness of the end-times with a warning of judgment to come.
His writing communicates a genuine concern for his reader and their response to this warning message.
Book Surge LLD, 1439221359 As Reviewed for Midwest Book Review