Planting Trees
Each plantation has its own attractive individual feature, but a tree adds more beautifying look.
Trees tend to make an area livelier, reduce the heat of the sun by providing share and attract public.
Trees should be selected accordingly as they take immense hard work and a long time to grow, and continue to stand year after year.
The things to be looked at are bark, shape, size, texture, foliage and the color.
There are several varieties available which include pyramidal, weeping forms, conical, oval and other different varieties.
The qualities that a tree possesses are necessary while evaluating the tree.
One should see what kind of shade it will give, the growth process, the hardiness, the maintenance it would require, the air and soil condition and the abuse that it may incur.
Trees which get damaged with the change of soil should be avoided.
The food trees should not to be used for the mere purpose of providing shade.
Many trees look beautiful because of their flowers.
The recommended shade tress include oak, ash, sycamore, hackberry, gingko, honey locust, katsura, hop hornbeam, maple, Kentucky coffee, beech, sycamore, and larch.
If a fall leaf is needed than choosing a young tree is the best option for planting as its foliage will be excellent.
The color would remain throughout the life.
With sunny days and cool nights the excellence in foliage is improved.
Bright days make the intensity of purples and reds to increase.
Overcast conditions make the leaves to a yellow and orange color.
This is a simple guide for colorful trees and landscaping: Red: Maples are yellow, red and orange.
Scarlet is Scarlet oak.
Crimson is dogwood.
Sassafras will turn from orange to a scarlet color.
From scarlet to burgundy would be sweet gum Yellow foliage: poplar, gingko, yellowwood, beech, aspen, birch and Norway maple.
Orange and Brown: Horse chestnut, hickory, oak, and American hornbeam During the transportation process the tree roots should remain moist.
No plant will survive if the roots are not kept moist.
Even the fine roots will tend to become dry.
Protect the roots at all time by applying a wet material as soon as it is dug out.
And re-plant the trees as soon as possible; planting them the same day would be the best option.
If trees cannot be planted on the same day than a proper storage is required where they can be kept.
Place them in a shady and cool environment.
Keep the roots moist.
The soil around the roots should be firm and should have water.
If there is no water around the trees will die instantly.
Therefore the important part is to plant a tree on the same day or keep it safe so that it remains beautiful as ever.