Manifesting Abundance - The SECRET Behind the Law of Attraction That Only the MASTERS Know
Have you ever wondered how a true master of the Law of Attraction is manifesting abundance in his life? In other words, have you been looking for examples in hopes of inspiring you to manifest abundance in your own life? Well, you're in luck, because I have a story about someone I met.
His name is Sean Stephenson.
He's an inspirational speaker and has an amazing story.
He was born with a disease called "brittle bones disorder", which has caused him to break his bones over 200 times by the time he was 18.
As a result of this disease, he's only 3 feet tall.
However, he hasn't let this stop him at all, and he decided long ago to use his "disability" as a gift.
This being said, he's become a master of manifesting abundance and creating his own reality.
At a seminar I saw where he spoke, he told an interesting story illustrating his MASTERY of the Law of Attraction.
He was in San Diego, and was sitting in a hot tub in a housing complex with a group of his buddies, and one of them asked him if he really believed in the Law of Attraction and furthermore that implied that he thought it was a bunch of airy fairy nonsense.
He then challenges Sean, telling him if "this stuff" really worked, then he wanted Sean to manifest him a bottle of Corona.
Sean obliged, but said he was going to manifest the bottle of Corona for himself, even though he did not drink, and not his buddy.
Sean then closed his eyes and went into a quiet place within, where everything is whole and perfect, and vividly imagined himself holding a bottle of Corona.
He then let the vision go.
A few minutes later, a car blasting hip hop music stops in front of the housing complex, someone steps out, and Sean, for some reason, expectantly sticks out his hand as if waiting for someone to stick a Corona in it.
The guy who steps out of the car yells to Sean, "Hey Homes, you want a Corona?" End of story.
Whether you're amazed by this story or skeptical, I have news for you.
You can be manifesting abundance at this EXACT skill level.
There are many people who have many stories to share like this.
So why haven't you? I'll tell you why.
The reason why you've been unable to is because there's something that these masters know that you don't.
These masters are aware that there's more to just reality creation than the Law of Attraction.
They know that the Law of Attraction is just one part of the WHOLE picture of what is needed to successfully create your own reality at a level of mastery.
The good news is, I am giving you the opportunity right now to learn all the secrets that the masters know so you too can create "miracles".
Forget getting a piece of the pie, it's time to create your own pie.
His name is Sean Stephenson.
He's an inspirational speaker and has an amazing story.
He was born with a disease called "brittle bones disorder", which has caused him to break his bones over 200 times by the time he was 18.
As a result of this disease, he's only 3 feet tall.
However, he hasn't let this stop him at all, and he decided long ago to use his "disability" as a gift.
This being said, he's become a master of manifesting abundance and creating his own reality.
At a seminar I saw where he spoke, he told an interesting story illustrating his MASTERY of the Law of Attraction.
He was in San Diego, and was sitting in a hot tub in a housing complex with a group of his buddies, and one of them asked him if he really believed in the Law of Attraction and furthermore that implied that he thought it was a bunch of airy fairy nonsense.
He then challenges Sean, telling him if "this stuff" really worked, then he wanted Sean to manifest him a bottle of Corona.
Sean obliged, but said he was going to manifest the bottle of Corona for himself, even though he did not drink, and not his buddy.
Sean then closed his eyes and went into a quiet place within, where everything is whole and perfect, and vividly imagined himself holding a bottle of Corona.
He then let the vision go.
A few minutes later, a car blasting hip hop music stops in front of the housing complex, someone steps out, and Sean, for some reason, expectantly sticks out his hand as if waiting for someone to stick a Corona in it.
The guy who steps out of the car yells to Sean, "Hey Homes, you want a Corona?" End of story.
Whether you're amazed by this story or skeptical, I have news for you.
You can be manifesting abundance at this EXACT skill level.
There are many people who have many stories to share like this.
So why haven't you? I'll tell you why.
The reason why you've been unable to is because there's something that these masters know that you don't.
These masters are aware that there's more to just reality creation than the Law of Attraction.
They know that the Law of Attraction is just one part of the WHOLE picture of what is needed to successfully create your own reality at a level of mastery.
The good news is, I am giving you the opportunity right now to learn all the secrets that the masters know so you too can create "miracles".
Forget getting a piece of the pie, it's time to create your own pie.