Riley & Kiara's Birth
We had a scheduled section planned for the 20th of May, I wasn't due until June 8th but I was carrying so low that I just couldn't see how I could go much past the 37 week mark. We knew we were having twins from my 18 week U/S on and I was prepared for the extra growth, but not the extra fatigue and soreness that went with it. Our first son was also a C-Sec, so I knew what to expect and how to heal from it so we thought it was the best route to go. Riley Christian was born at 10:53 am, weighing 5lb, 9 oz, and was 19" long. His sister, Ciara Faith was 2 minutes later, she had a full pound up on him at 6lb, 9 oz, and was 18 1/2" long. Riley was in the perfect position for a vag delivery, but Ciara was a different story. At my 35 week U/S, she was heading down into the right position, at birth, she was not only breach, but the cord was wrapped around her neck twice and would have been an emergency section anyway. They were both very lively and healthy babies and still are at 3 weeks of age. They look so different now than from when they were first born, they are also growing so fast!! I think Ciara is close to 7 pounds now and Riley isn't too far off. Unfortunately, 4 days after I came home with the babies, I was rehospitalized for a serious infection in my incision site. It came on so fast that I had no warning signs that I was getting sick. I kept being told that my incision was healing so nicely, I had no idea that something else was festering. I had taken the twins to my Dr. for their 1 week check up, she wanted to look at my site, she had said that if it didn't get under control in a couple of days, I would have to go to the hospital for treatment. That night, I had such a pain in my tummy I could barely get up out of the chair, I had a high fever and also had the chills. A small part of my incision also broke open and had the foulest "stuff" I had ever seen oozing out. Needless to say, I was quite scared at that point, if a small part of my incision had broken open, how much more will? After 4 days of antibiotic therapy in the hospital, I was finally able to come home back to my family. My husband has been wonderful throughout the whole ordeal. He loves his children very much and tried to juggle not only time with them, but time to come up to visit me with them. Everything has been good now over the past week, the infection is all but gone but I still have to wonder just why I got it in the first place, was it something I did wrong, did it happen in the hospital, I guess we will never know. I'm just very grateful that I now have my health back and 3 beautiful healthy children to love and care for. Thank you for taking a moment out of your time to read my twins birth story, I hope all of you have wonderful stories to tell yourselves!!