How to Clean Wax from a Votive Holder
- 1). Place the votive holder in the freezer. Allow it to freeze for one to two hours.
- 2). Remove the holder and set it on a flat surface.
- 3). Use the kitchen knife to gently remove the wax within the holder. After removing the main chunk of wax filling up the holder, you may have some wax on the sides of the holder. Use the knife to scrape off the remaining wax. Since it is frozen, it will not scrape into shreds like it would if the wax was soft. The frozen wax will come off whole.
- 4). Allow the holder to return to room temperature after cleaning out the wax. Burning a new candle in the holder or advancing to the next step could cause your holder to break.
- 5). Wash the holder with soap and water to remove excess residue.