How Erectile Dysfunction Happens
Not being able to get an erection when you want one can be a very embarrassing moment for any man.
This is basically what defines erectile dysfunction.
One of the first steps that you can take to inhibiting this potential embarrassing moment is to find out what it is and where it comes and, most importantly, how it happens.
Lets have a look; I'll show you how the body and brain work together to make erections happen, and why and how sometimes this result is not achieved.
First of all, there are many different ways in which ED can enter a man's life.
Lets first observe the ways in which your mental health can stifle your ability to get an erection.
Psychology is one of the major factors in male sexuality and the ability to achieve an erection.
When you are stressed or frustrated it can become very difficult to get an erection.
This happens because stress simply shuts down many of your central nervous system responses.
This means that when you want to become aroused you might not be able to.
Much more it can be very difficult to obtain an erection.
Another one of the biggest reasons for male erectile ability being impeded can come from poor nutrition.
When you do not maintain a balanced diet, you make it difficult for your body to carry out sexual functions.
This happens because blood is needed for sexual response and eating poor nutritionally can cause your arteries to be clogged and make your overall blood circulation impaired.
Diet also affects the male sexual experience, specifically erectile ability, by affecting energy levels.
High sugar intake, excessive caffeine, and high fatty foods can make you tired and drowsy.
This makes it difficult for the body to sustain sexual activity.
It is a simple fact that energy is required for proper sexual performance.
Another way that erectile dysfunction happens is from environmental estrogens.
Environmental estrogens can enter the body through pesticides and hormonally enhanced meat.
This is another way that what you eat can affect your body sexually.
Simply put, erectile dysfunction happens when the brain cannot stimulate the nerves that are needed for an erection, the amount of blood flow is inadequate to produce an erection, or the body is simply too tired to achieve or maintain an erection.
Explore these facts and decide if one of them, all of them, or some combination might be adding to your inability to get an erection.
This is basically what defines erectile dysfunction.
One of the first steps that you can take to inhibiting this potential embarrassing moment is to find out what it is and where it comes and, most importantly, how it happens.
Lets have a look; I'll show you how the body and brain work together to make erections happen, and why and how sometimes this result is not achieved.
First of all, there are many different ways in which ED can enter a man's life.
Lets first observe the ways in which your mental health can stifle your ability to get an erection.
Psychology is one of the major factors in male sexuality and the ability to achieve an erection.
When you are stressed or frustrated it can become very difficult to get an erection.
This happens because stress simply shuts down many of your central nervous system responses.
This means that when you want to become aroused you might not be able to.
Much more it can be very difficult to obtain an erection.
Another one of the biggest reasons for male erectile ability being impeded can come from poor nutrition.
When you do not maintain a balanced diet, you make it difficult for your body to carry out sexual functions.
This happens because blood is needed for sexual response and eating poor nutritionally can cause your arteries to be clogged and make your overall blood circulation impaired.
Diet also affects the male sexual experience, specifically erectile ability, by affecting energy levels.
High sugar intake, excessive caffeine, and high fatty foods can make you tired and drowsy.
This makes it difficult for the body to sustain sexual activity.
It is a simple fact that energy is required for proper sexual performance.
Another way that erectile dysfunction happens is from environmental estrogens.
Environmental estrogens can enter the body through pesticides and hormonally enhanced meat.
This is another way that what you eat can affect your body sexually.
Simply put, erectile dysfunction happens when the brain cannot stimulate the nerves that are needed for an erection, the amount of blood flow is inadequate to produce an erection, or the body is simply too tired to achieve or maintain an erection.
Explore these facts and decide if one of them, all of them, or some combination might be adding to your inability to get an erection.