4 Tips To Help You Save More For Retirement
As I was going about my business on the Internet the other day, I ran into a great quote:
"Save a part of your income and begin now, for a man with a surplus controls his circumstances and the man without a surplus is controlled by circumstances" - Henry H. Buckley
Isn't this so true? It is very hard to be in control of you circumstances when you have no surplus. There are two reasons why you want a surplus. Firstly, you want what I would call wiggle room. This is just in case something happens. I had a situation come about 2 months ago, at the end of the day is cost me $3, 000 cash. Because I have wiggle room in my budget I had the cash on hand to solve the problem. Secondly, you will want a surplus so you can invest some of it. Obviously if you don't have a surplus then it is impossible to save for your retirement. Here are 4 tips to help you get some more wiggle room in your budget which will help you save for your retirement:
1. Spend cash only
In today's day it is so easy to spend money without actually seeing it. A great way to reduce how much wasted money you spend is to use cash only with a monthly limit. 5% of my net monthly income is set aside in cash for my personal needs. This includes things like: eating out, beer, entertainment and extras. I take the cash out each week on payday, when the cash is gone I know I have to wait until the next week. This limits how much I spend on unnecessary things.
2. Use a list when grocery shopping
Plan your meals ahead and create a list from that. My wife and I sit down each Sunday and figure out what meals we are going to eat for the week. We then make a list of all the supplies that we will need for those meals. It has been shown in studies that people buy more when they shop without a list.
3. Stop buying lottery tickets
This is a no-brainier. The odds of winning the lottery in Canada are about one in thirteen million. Take the money and invest it instead. $40 a month in an investment at 8% will be $60, 051.81 in 30 years. That is going to be about $60, 051.81 more than if you played the lottery. I am willing to bet on it.
4. Start a business
In my opinion, this is the best way to increase cash flow. You can first start with a hobby and turn it into a business part time. The key is to do something you like and make some money at it. I know this is not for everyone, but consider the fact that you can save thousands a year in taxes running a business from home.
These are some simple ideas that can help you gain some wiggle room in your budget. With more wiggle room you will be able to save more for retirement. If you are spending less than you make you are in control of your circumstances. If you are saving and investing for retirement, you are also in control of your future. Take the time and live on a cash budget for a while. Find a way to increase your surplus and you will be on your way to financial success.
"Save a part of your income and begin now, for a man with a surplus controls his circumstances and the man without a surplus is controlled by circumstances" - Henry H. Buckley
Isn't this so true? It is very hard to be in control of you circumstances when you have no surplus. There are two reasons why you want a surplus. Firstly, you want what I would call wiggle room. This is just in case something happens. I had a situation come about 2 months ago, at the end of the day is cost me $3, 000 cash. Because I have wiggle room in my budget I had the cash on hand to solve the problem. Secondly, you will want a surplus so you can invest some of it. Obviously if you don't have a surplus then it is impossible to save for your retirement. Here are 4 tips to help you get some more wiggle room in your budget which will help you save for your retirement:
1. Spend cash only
In today's day it is so easy to spend money without actually seeing it. A great way to reduce how much wasted money you spend is to use cash only with a monthly limit. 5% of my net monthly income is set aside in cash for my personal needs. This includes things like: eating out, beer, entertainment and extras. I take the cash out each week on payday, when the cash is gone I know I have to wait until the next week. This limits how much I spend on unnecessary things.
2. Use a list when grocery shopping
Plan your meals ahead and create a list from that. My wife and I sit down each Sunday and figure out what meals we are going to eat for the week. We then make a list of all the supplies that we will need for those meals. It has been shown in studies that people buy more when they shop without a list.
3. Stop buying lottery tickets
This is a no-brainier. The odds of winning the lottery in Canada are about one in thirteen million. Take the money and invest it instead. $40 a month in an investment at 8% will be $60, 051.81 in 30 years. That is going to be about $60, 051.81 more than if you played the lottery. I am willing to bet on it.
4. Start a business
In my opinion, this is the best way to increase cash flow. You can first start with a hobby and turn it into a business part time. The key is to do something you like and make some money at it. I know this is not for everyone, but consider the fact that you can save thousands a year in taxes running a business from home.
These are some simple ideas that can help you gain some wiggle room in your budget. With more wiggle room you will be able to save more for retirement. If you are spending less than you make you are in control of your circumstances. If you are saving and investing for retirement, you are also in control of your future. Take the time and live on a cash budget for a while. Find a way to increase your surplus and you will be on your way to financial success.