How to Kill Dustmites
- 1). Wash bed sheets, comforters, curtains and fabrics in your washing machine in hot water. The water must reach 130 degrees F or higher to kill dust mites. Dry all materials in the dryer on high heat.
- 2). Freeze fabric-based items that cannot be washed in hot water. Leave the items in the freezer for at least one day. The high levels of cold will kill the dust mites, but you must wash the items in cold water to rinse the dead dust mites from the fabric.
- 3). Use a professional-grade dust mite killer spray or powder on carpets or other non-washable items, such as upholstered furniture. Dust mite sprays and powders kill dust mites on contact. Spray or sprinkle the product on your carpet or couch, then vacuum it up.