How to Write Believable Characters - Part 3
Gestures: Use of gestures is a great way to emphasise meaning, however if the gesture is not universal, the writer needs to ensure the message being conveyed by the gesture is very clear to the reader.
- Fidgeting shows boredom and restlessness.
- Pressing fingers together to form a steeple shows interest, assertiveness and determination.
- Touching the nose or rubbing eyes indicates discomfort, or it may indicate dishonesty.
Your character is not being completely honest.
- A hand to the back of the neck may indicate withdrawal from a conversation.
- The "two finger salute" may mean victory or, as in Australia, is used as a derogatory insult.
- Fist raised in the air - Punching a fist into other hand.
Adding gestures to your characters behaviour shows your reader what is being thought, experienced or understood by your character.
Posture: The way people hold themselves provides us with important information.
- Body posture can be "open" or "closed".
- Open Posture -Open hands with both feet on the ground.
(Open posture indicate acceptance or participation).
- Closed posture -Legs crossed, arms folded, and body turned away (Closed posture indicates rejection) - Leaning forward indicates paying attention and interest.
- Leaning backwards demonstrates disinterest or rejection.
- A firm handshake will give the impression of assertiveness or honesty.
- Too firm can seem challenging.
- A limp handshake can indicate a weak personality - Folding arms across your body is protective and gives the impression of a character who's guarded and defensive.
- A head held straight up indicates a neutral attitude.
- A head tilted to the side indicates interest or puzzlement.
- A head down is negative and judgmental.
- Slumped shoulders Once again, posture can be used to show your reader how your character is reacting to an event, or feeling about something that he's been told.
While the use of body language in your writing can be used to "show, don't tell" your reader important information, it shouldn't be over- used to the point that a reader is expected to interpret body language throughout every chapter of the book.
Example: "The young boy kicked a stone along the road.
" "The young boy, head down and shoulders slumped, slowly kicked a stone along the road.
" Writers of novels, short stories and poetry, whether you aspire to be published, or want to enter competitions, should consider that the use of body language can paint an entirely different picture for your reader.
- Fidgeting shows boredom and restlessness.
- Pressing fingers together to form a steeple shows interest, assertiveness and determination.
- Touching the nose or rubbing eyes indicates discomfort, or it may indicate dishonesty.
Your character is not being completely honest.
- A hand to the back of the neck may indicate withdrawal from a conversation.
- The "two finger salute" may mean victory or, as in Australia, is used as a derogatory insult.
- Fist raised in the air - Punching a fist into other hand.
Adding gestures to your characters behaviour shows your reader what is being thought, experienced or understood by your character.
Posture: The way people hold themselves provides us with important information.
- Body posture can be "open" or "closed".
- Open Posture -Open hands with both feet on the ground.
(Open posture indicate acceptance or participation).
- Closed posture -Legs crossed, arms folded, and body turned away (Closed posture indicates rejection) - Leaning forward indicates paying attention and interest.
- Leaning backwards demonstrates disinterest or rejection.
- A firm handshake will give the impression of assertiveness or honesty.
- Too firm can seem challenging.
- A limp handshake can indicate a weak personality - Folding arms across your body is protective and gives the impression of a character who's guarded and defensive.
- A head held straight up indicates a neutral attitude.
- A head tilted to the side indicates interest or puzzlement.
- A head down is negative and judgmental.
- Slumped shoulders Once again, posture can be used to show your reader how your character is reacting to an event, or feeling about something that he's been told.
While the use of body language in your writing can be used to "show, don't tell" your reader important information, it shouldn't be over- used to the point that a reader is expected to interpret body language throughout every chapter of the book.
Example: "The young boy kicked a stone along the road.
" "The young boy, head down and shoulders slumped, slowly kicked a stone along the road.
" Writers of novels, short stories and poetry, whether you aspire to be published, or want to enter competitions, should consider that the use of body language can paint an entirely different picture for your reader.