7 Ways To Make Money By Writing Articles
Writing articles and selling them on the internet is great way of making money.
The opportunities you will find in this aspect are vast and the money you earn is enough to keep you living a healthy lifestyle.
So how does one go about making money by writing articles online? The internet and web is a huge and complex network of information and opportunities.
Some of you might already be in the web writing business but not really making the money you deserve where as there are some of you who have just got into the web writing business and you need help.
Here you will find a few simple ways by which you can really make money by selling your articles and get into the web writing business.
Blogging The simplest way to make money is through blogging.
A blog is a platform for creative writers to express their views opinions and information.
Publish your articles on blogs as these are sites that are updated often and always have something new and fresh to offer.
Simply turn your article into a blog entry as blogs receive a lot of trafficking.
Promote your website Once you have your article ready, simply put your auto - biography in a few words beneath the article, with a short ad and a link to your website.
This way an online viewer will read your article and if it interests them, they will hit the link which will take them to your website rather than choosing other options.
Build content websites With the help of your articles, you can build a content website which offers abundant information which is useful to all viewers.
This way you will bring a lot of trafficking to your website through search engines.
It is recommended that you use AdSense advertisements where you will also get paid when the ad is clicked.
Product of information You could make an e- book with all your articles.
This makes a great product which can be purchased.
You could write each article as a new chapter and compile it into one book and sell it.
You have to make a few changes here and there, but it is a great option.
E- book Using a viral marketing approach for an e- book is a great way to make quick sales.
Instead of simply selling your compiled work, why not look at an affiliate link where you can add a promotional copy and give it.
Promote affiliate products All you have to do in this aspect is create a domain name and promote affiliate products in your biography.
Also make commissions on the sale that you refer.
Mailing List You can email your articles regularly to your newsletter subscribers along with the promotions for your personal website.
You can collect different people's names, addresses and email addresses and then request them or ask them to sign up for your newsletters.
This way you can send them your articles and update them with your latest.
The opportunities you will find in this aspect are vast and the money you earn is enough to keep you living a healthy lifestyle.
So how does one go about making money by writing articles online? The internet and web is a huge and complex network of information and opportunities.
Some of you might already be in the web writing business but not really making the money you deserve where as there are some of you who have just got into the web writing business and you need help.
Here you will find a few simple ways by which you can really make money by selling your articles and get into the web writing business.
Blogging The simplest way to make money is through blogging.
A blog is a platform for creative writers to express their views opinions and information.
Publish your articles on blogs as these are sites that are updated often and always have something new and fresh to offer.
Simply turn your article into a blog entry as blogs receive a lot of trafficking.
Promote your website Once you have your article ready, simply put your auto - biography in a few words beneath the article, with a short ad and a link to your website.
This way an online viewer will read your article and if it interests them, they will hit the link which will take them to your website rather than choosing other options.
Build content websites With the help of your articles, you can build a content website which offers abundant information which is useful to all viewers.
This way you will bring a lot of trafficking to your website through search engines.
It is recommended that you use AdSense advertisements where you will also get paid when the ad is clicked.
Product of information You could make an e- book with all your articles.
This makes a great product which can be purchased.
You could write each article as a new chapter and compile it into one book and sell it.
You have to make a few changes here and there, but it is a great option.
E- book Using a viral marketing approach for an e- book is a great way to make quick sales.
Instead of simply selling your compiled work, why not look at an affiliate link where you can add a promotional copy and give it.
Promote affiliate products All you have to do in this aspect is create a domain name and promote affiliate products in your biography.
Also make commissions on the sale that you refer.
Mailing List You can email your articles regularly to your newsletter subscribers along with the promotions for your personal website.
You can collect different people's names, addresses and email addresses and then request them or ask them to sign up for your newsletters.
This way you can send them your articles and update them with your latest.