How to Apply Milk Mask to Your Eyes
Things You'll Need
1Pour whole (full-fat) milk in a bowl and soak two cotton pads or balls in the milk. Organic milk is healthiest for your body and this eye mask, since it's free of hormones and antibiotics. Allow the pads to soak until they're completely saturated with milk.
Remove the cotton pads or balls from the milk (without wringing them out) and place one over each closed eye. This mask can be a little messy, so consider placing towels under your head and over your clothes.
Lay down with your head slightly elevated and leave the mask on for 15 to 30 minutes. The proteins and vitamins A, D and E rejuvenate the skin around your eyes while the coldness of the milk reduces puffiness. Remove the pads, discard them and rinse your face in cool water.
Apply an eye cream with SPF for day or a night cream. Use your finger to dab eye cream under your eyes, then rub it in very gently. Some like to use their ring fingers for this, since your ring finger is your weakest finger and is therefore less likely to pull or tug on the delicate skin around the eyes.