How to Report a Physician to the Texas Medical Board
- 1). Call the toll-free complaint hot line at (800) 201-9353. Medical board staff can assist you with obtaining a complaint form, either by sending you a hard copy or directing you to a downloadable version of the form. Although staff can discuss your complaint when you call the hot line, your formal complaint against a physician should be in writing, with as many details as possible.
- 2). Email the Texas Medical Board to report a physician. The board allows patients to email a written complaint in three ways. Patients can download the board's form from its website, complete it and attach it to an email to the board, or they can write a formal complaint in letter form with specific details and email it to the board. Patients can also use the board's Web-based email form (link in References), which follows the same format as the printed form.
- 3). Mail a complaint to the Texas Medical Board using its postal address. Although a slower method of reporting a physician for inappropriate or unsafe behavior, mailing a hard copy of the complaint has a couple of distinct advantages over other options. Using delivery services such as UPS, Federal Express or the U.S. Postal Service allows you to confirm delivery and prove date and time of receipt, as well as who signed for the letter. Hard copies sent through the mail or by Federal Express also let you attach X-ray films, copies of patient documentation or second opinions written by other doctors in support of your complaint.