Title IV Grants
- Grant programs authorized through the Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act aim to reduce drugs and violence in U.S. schools.school bus image by Lombok from Fotolia.com
Title IV, also known as 21st Century Schools, refers to federal legislation authorized under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 and reauthorized as part of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. Components of Title IV that include grant programs include the Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act and 21st Century Community Learning Centers. Such grant programs provide financial assistance to applicants to meet the objectives of Title IV legislation. - The Safe and Supportive Schools program provides grants to state educational agencies that propose to implement a data-measurement system to identify safety and substance abuse issues that affect student learning and to then make programmatic changes to address problems. These four-year grant awards can range from $1 million to $12 million per year depending on the number of students a state enrolls.
- This objective of the Grant Competition to Prevent High-Risk Drinking or Violent Behavior among College Students is to ultimately lessen binge drinking and violent behavior at the college level. As such, this program provides grants to individuals, institutions of higher education, non-profit organizations, faith-based organizations and partnership thereof, to design, improve, implement and evaluate prevention strategies that address individual and environmental risk factors that lead to binge drinking and violent behavior. The average two-year grant provides $136,000 in funding.
- To help 21st century schools become safer and more prepared in the case of an emergency, the Readiness and Emergency Management grant program funds local education agencies to create or strengthen emergency management plans. As part of this process, applicants can propose to use grant funds to train school staff, assess buildings and facilities for safety concerns, share emergency management plans with parents, develop infectious disease management plans, create food defense plans and carry out other activities to improve school readiness to deal with emergency situations. Two-year grant awards average $150,000 to $600,000, depending on the number of facilities a local education agency oversees.
Safe and Supportive Schools
Grant Competition to Prevent High-Risk Drinking or Violent Behavior Among College Students
Readiness and Emergency Management for Schools