What Do Women Value More In The Bedroom? (Bigger Size, More Stamina, Or Perfomance?)
The question of what women truly desire most from us men in the bedroom is one of the most asked questions any man has.
Do they value a much bigger penis size? Do they more so desire that you last longer during sex? Or, do they desire that you have great performance in bed that will make her reach mind-blowing orgasms? Well my friend, in this article here you are going to find out (based off of several studies) what women value more, what women will REALLY respond to, and what you can do to make it all happen.
Okay, let me get straight into it because I know how impatient us men can get when it comes to this topic (lol).
Now, according to several studies, what women respond to most in the bedroom is great performance and stamina (lasting longer in bed).
In other words, many women have stated that if a man has a small to average penis size, they are okay with this just as long as they perform well in bed (different sex positions, hitting her G-spot, etc.
), and they last longer during sex.
However, these women have went on to say that they of course would prefer if the man not only performed well in bed and is capable of lasting a good while before ejaculating, that they also have an ideal penis size (which is about 7-9 inches long with good thickness and a rock-hard erection).
So, what's the bottom line here? Well, if you improve your performance with sex, if you extend how long you can last before ejaculating, and if you have a bigger penis size, then you are pretty much going to witness her having some possessed-like orgasms! How Do You Achieve All Of These Attributes? 1.
) Well, sexual performance is something that you have to practice with.
The key with improving performance is to know what she likes.
Does she like more passionate and romantic love making? Or, does she like animal style, causing scratch marks, and breaking the bed type of love making? Once you know what she likes, stick with it, get a little creative every now and then, and make sure you put a lot of emphasis on foreplay as well (women LOVE hot and steamy foreplay).
) To increase your stamina in bed, you have to have a stronger PC (pubococcygeus) muscle.
This muscle is located between your testicles and anus (you'll know where it is if you go to the bathroom and try to stop your urine flow).
When you strengthen this muscle (NATURALLY), what will end up happening is pretty amazing.
For one, you'll have more intense orgasms, second, you'll be able to last longer during sex, third, you'll help with increasing blood flow to your penile shaft...
which helps in making your penis bigger, and more.
To strengthen this muscle effectively, the best thing to do are natural penis exercises.
In a penis exercise program, you'll learn different types of tensing routines to strengthen this muscle significantly.
) To get a bigger penis size up to 9 inches long and more girth (plus a rock hard erection), you have to strengthen your PC muscle, enlarge your corpora cavernosa chambers, stimulate your corpus spongiosum chamber, and lengthen the ligament of your penile shaft.
There is only one method that will do everything I just mentioned above effectively, naturally, easily, safely, and quickly.
And that would be natural penis exercises.
If you follow a penis exercise program thoroughly, and if you choose the right program, all of those benefits can be yours.
Bottom line, the 2 things that most women truly desire most is good performance and you lasting longer.
However, if you factor in NATURALLY making your penis bigger, then I can assure you, you WILL need ear plugs every time you have sex.
Don't say I didn't warn you (lol)!
Do they value a much bigger penis size? Do they more so desire that you last longer during sex? Or, do they desire that you have great performance in bed that will make her reach mind-blowing orgasms? Well my friend, in this article here you are going to find out (based off of several studies) what women value more, what women will REALLY respond to, and what you can do to make it all happen.
Okay, let me get straight into it because I know how impatient us men can get when it comes to this topic (lol).
Now, according to several studies, what women respond to most in the bedroom is great performance and stamina (lasting longer in bed).
In other words, many women have stated that if a man has a small to average penis size, they are okay with this just as long as they perform well in bed (different sex positions, hitting her G-spot, etc.
), and they last longer during sex.
However, these women have went on to say that they of course would prefer if the man not only performed well in bed and is capable of lasting a good while before ejaculating, that they also have an ideal penis size (which is about 7-9 inches long with good thickness and a rock-hard erection).
So, what's the bottom line here? Well, if you improve your performance with sex, if you extend how long you can last before ejaculating, and if you have a bigger penis size, then you are pretty much going to witness her having some possessed-like orgasms! How Do You Achieve All Of These Attributes? 1.
) Well, sexual performance is something that you have to practice with.
The key with improving performance is to know what she likes.
Does she like more passionate and romantic love making? Or, does she like animal style, causing scratch marks, and breaking the bed type of love making? Once you know what she likes, stick with it, get a little creative every now and then, and make sure you put a lot of emphasis on foreplay as well (women LOVE hot and steamy foreplay).
) To increase your stamina in bed, you have to have a stronger PC (pubococcygeus) muscle.
This muscle is located between your testicles and anus (you'll know where it is if you go to the bathroom and try to stop your urine flow).
When you strengthen this muscle (NATURALLY), what will end up happening is pretty amazing.
For one, you'll have more intense orgasms, second, you'll be able to last longer during sex, third, you'll help with increasing blood flow to your penile shaft...
which helps in making your penis bigger, and more.
To strengthen this muscle effectively, the best thing to do are natural penis exercises.
In a penis exercise program, you'll learn different types of tensing routines to strengthen this muscle significantly.
) To get a bigger penis size up to 9 inches long and more girth (plus a rock hard erection), you have to strengthen your PC muscle, enlarge your corpora cavernosa chambers, stimulate your corpus spongiosum chamber, and lengthen the ligament of your penile shaft.
There is only one method that will do everything I just mentioned above effectively, naturally, easily, safely, and quickly.
And that would be natural penis exercises.
If you follow a penis exercise program thoroughly, and if you choose the right program, all of those benefits can be yours.
Bottom line, the 2 things that most women truly desire most is good performance and you lasting longer.
However, if you factor in NATURALLY making your penis bigger, then I can assure you, you WILL need ear plugs every time you have sex.
Don't say I didn't warn you (lol)!