How to Weld a Bull Bar
- 1). Cut the steel pipe to length depending on the size of your vehicle. Cutting the vertical pieces about 2 feet in length should be ideal. Likewise, the horizontal pipes will average about 4 feet in length. Make sure to use a hollow pipe that is about 1-1/2-inches thick.
- 2). Use the angle grinder to curve the two vertical pipes to a 90-degree angle. Curving these pieces will allow you to attach the pipes correctly to your vehicle. Make sure the angle is perfect at 90 degrees or the bull bar will not set level.
- 3). Weld the two vertical pipes to the under-carriage of your vehicle. Consider having a partner hold the top of the pieces while you weld so the job can be done steadily. Distance the pipes 2 feet apart.
- 4). Weld the horizontal pipes to the vertical 2-foot pieces. For the best protection and stability, leave around three inches between each horizontal pipe.