PONY Girl's Softball Rules
- PONY organizes softball leagues for girls.girl playing softball image by pixelcarpenter from Fotolia.com
PONY is a non-profit American youth softball association headquartered in Washington, Pennsylvania. Through a nationwide network of volunteers, PONY organizes local softball leagues for girls ages 6 to 18. PONY leagues are divided up amongst age group, although a standard set of basic rules applies to all facets of the PONY league. - PONY rules dictate the size of the playing field for PONY fast-pitch and slow-pitch softball games. The maximum fence distance for players age 6 to 10 is 175 feet, with a minimum distance of 150 feet. Players age 12 to 18 are required to play with fences at a minimum distance of 175 feet with a maximum of 200 feet.
- The distance of the pitchers plate (known as the mound in baseball) to home plate is also designated by PONY league rules. These distances vary in slow-pitch softball and fast-pitch softball. The maximum distance of the plate in fast-pitch PONY softball is 43 feet, while the slow-pitch plate is 46 feet.
- Fast-pitch teams are limited to nine defensive players (three outfielders, a shortstop and three basemen) including a pitcher and slow-pitch teams are allowed 10 players plus a pitcher. Slow-pitch PONY leagues utilize a "short-fielder, a roving player who covers the shallow outfield.
- PONY league utilizes a mercy rule whereupon if a team is up by 12 runs at the end of three innings, 10 runs after four innings or 8 runs after five innings, then the game is canceled. This rule applies to both slow-pitch and fast-pitch leagues. The mercy rule is intended to promote fairness and prevent blows to morale.
- Getting a head start on the basepaths, or "leading" is prohibited at both the fast-pitch and slow-pitch levels. Stealing, or advancing to the next base before contact is made by the batter, is also prohibited. All players must compete wearing shoes. All players must be girls. Lastly, pitchers cannot stop during the windup motion.
Fence Distances
Mound Distance
Mercy Rule