How Can I Control Premature Ejaculation Naturally?
Premature ejaculation (PE) or early ejaculation is the most frequent erectile disorder met in men. This disorder is characterized through man's impossibility to control his ejaculation enough time so that his partner can also reach an orgasm. The most common factors that lead to PE are: stress, anxiety, tiredness, and the inflammation of the prostate. Man that suffer from this disorder become anxious, they lose their self confidence. If the situation persists they start avoiding making love with their partners. This situation often leads to tensioned relationships between partners and even to separation.
The men that are confronting with this awful condition should understand that there are many methods, techniques and treatments that can successfully help them to surpass this situation and to get rid of premature ejaculation.
One of the most common methods to prevent premature ejaculation is foreplay. Spending some nice time trying to arouse your partner can be the key of success. A man must know that a woman needs about 15-20 minutes to be ready for orgasm. If he takes into account this thing he can use foreplay in his advantage and in this way he can avoid early ejaculation.
Exercises are also a common method to get rid of PE. Kegel exercises have proved to be very useful in this condition. These exercises have been created to help men to strengthen their pelvic muscles. These muscles have an important part in controlling premature ejaculation. Once they are strong enough a man can have the total control of the moment of ejaculation. He can delay the moment of his orgasm as long as he wishes.
Breathing has also a great role in controlling ejaculation. A rapid and uncontrolled breathing usually increase excitation and accelerates the arousal. If a man learns how to control his breathing he can delay the moment of his ejaculation.
Too sensitive position always leads to an early ejaculation. So a man must use less sensitive positions n order to prevent and control his ejaculation.
"Start and stop" is also a very common method to control PE. The man must stop the moment he feels he is ready to ejaculate. When the "danger" is passing he can start making love again. He can repeat this tactics how many times he wants during the sexual act.
Another easy method to control PE is changing the position. While the position is changed the imperious need to ejaculate is disappearing and the act can continue as long as the both partners want. Another advantage of this technique is the fact that it chase away the routine and monotony. Doing so partners can experience new positions and the sexual act will become great pleasure.
Relaxing your muscles when you feel that you are about to have an orgasm is also very helpful. But you can also blink several times; you can touch your palate with your tong. Thinking at something that has no connection with making love is also of a great help. As long as you divert your attention from your genitals you can delay the moment of your ejaculation any time.
The men that are confronting with this awful condition should understand that there are many methods, techniques and treatments that can successfully help them to surpass this situation and to get rid of premature ejaculation.
One of the most common methods to prevent premature ejaculation is foreplay. Spending some nice time trying to arouse your partner can be the key of success. A man must know that a woman needs about 15-20 minutes to be ready for orgasm. If he takes into account this thing he can use foreplay in his advantage and in this way he can avoid early ejaculation.
Exercises are also a common method to get rid of PE. Kegel exercises have proved to be very useful in this condition. These exercises have been created to help men to strengthen their pelvic muscles. These muscles have an important part in controlling premature ejaculation. Once they are strong enough a man can have the total control of the moment of ejaculation. He can delay the moment of his orgasm as long as he wishes.
Breathing has also a great role in controlling ejaculation. A rapid and uncontrolled breathing usually increase excitation and accelerates the arousal. If a man learns how to control his breathing he can delay the moment of his ejaculation.
Too sensitive position always leads to an early ejaculation. So a man must use less sensitive positions n order to prevent and control his ejaculation.
"Start and stop" is also a very common method to control PE. The man must stop the moment he feels he is ready to ejaculate. When the "danger" is passing he can start making love again. He can repeat this tactics how many times he wants during the sexual act.
Another easy method to control PE is changing the position. While the position is changed the imperious need to ejaculate is disappearing and the act can continue as long as the both partners want. Another advantage of this technique is the fact that it chase away the routine and monotony. Doing so partners can experience new positions and the sexual act will become great pleasure.
Relaxing your muscles when you feel that you are about to have an orgasm is also very helpful. But you can also blink several times; you can touch your palate with your tong. Thinking at something that has no connection with making love is also of a great help. As long as you divert your attention from your genitals you can delay the moment of your ejaculation any time.