Home Remedies for Wrinkles on the Forehead
- Forehead wrinkles, also called frown lines, are usually found running horizontally across the forehead or vertically between the eyes. The main cause is repeated facial movements over time, such as frowning, squinting or raising the eyebrows.
- To prevent these wrinkles, watch your face in a mirror. Stopping or lessening the facial movements that cause these wrinkles can help prevent them from forming. You can also try facial muscle exercises to stretch muscles in opposite directions. Always wear sunscreen to prevent sun exposure and sunglasses to prevent squinting. Avoid smoking and excessive use of alcohol. Don't rub or pull at skin.
- Keep your skin hydrated. Drink plenty of water daily and use a moisturizing face cream each night before bedtime. The older we get, the faster skin loses its moisture content so it's especially important to hydrate skin as we age.
To help skin remain its elasticity, apply a mixture of mashed papaya or pineapple to the face each day. This keeps skin soft and helps prevent wrinkles.
Another good home remedy to reduce forehead wrinkles is to use egg whites. Apply the egg white to the skin on the forehead and leave it until the skin feels tight. Wash your skin gently and pat it dry. Do this every day for two months for the best results. Another option is to blend an egg with two tsp. of glycerin and rose water. Put this mixture on the forehead until skin feels tight, then wash gently.
Puree a few fresh apricots in a blender and add two tbsp. of honey, lemon juice and milk. Put this on the forehead and leave it for 30 minutes. Then wash the face. Do this two or three times a week.
You can also mix a tsp. of turmeric powder with two tbsp. of sugar cane juice and make a paste. Apply the paste to the forehead and leave it for several minutes before washing off.
Massage coconut or castor oil into the forehead before bedtime. Apply lemon juice to the forehead several times a day to fade wrinkles.
Let a half cup of rosemary simmer in two cups of water for a half hour. Add half a cup of brandy and simmer for another 10 to 15 minutes. Strain and store it. Use it on skin twice a day.
Diet can also be helpful in keeping skin elastic and healthy. Eat B complex vitamins found in eggs, chicken, beef and whole wheat. Also make sure you eat vitamins A, C and E. Also try eating a tablespoon of shredded ginger with honey.