How to Make a Natural Pest Deterrent
- 1). Determine which pests are damaging your plants. If there are holes in the leaves, turn the leaves over to see if there are insects or caterpillars still attached. Certain plants attract insects that are beneficial or do not hurt them in any way, such as ants that are attracted to the resins given off by the peony. Do not try to discourage beneficial insects.
- 2). Spread food-grade diatomaceous earth (DE) around the base of the plant, encircling it completely if the problem is slugs or caterpillars. DE is the ground fossilized shells of tiny sea creatures. It is important to use food-grade DE when working around vegetable plants. DE provides a physical barrier as the sharp edges cut the pests, causing them to dry out and die.
- 3). Spray the plant's leaves with an eco-friendly deterrent if the pests are eating leaves. In a quart Mason jar, mix 3 tbsp. minced or crushed garlic cloves, 4 oz. hot pepper sauce and 1 tbsp. dishwashing soap. Fill jar with water and shake gently with the lid in place. Place the jar out in the sun for a few hours to steep, then strain the liquid and pour into a spray bottle. Mist all the leaves on both the top and the bottom. Reapply after a heavy rain. The dish soap will kill existing insects and deter new ones from attacking the plant. Garlic and red pepper sauce will not only deter insects but also squirrels, raccoons and other small animals who do not like the scent.
- 4). Stop squirrels from digging up freshly planted seeds or bulbs by sprinkling dried blood meal over the planting area. The smell will stop them from smelling fresh bulbs and will be unpleasant enough to stop them from digging through it.
- 5). Both small and large pests can be deterred by spreading powdered cayenne pepper around the perimeter of the garden bed, encircling the plants. Make the line of cayenne at least 6 inches wide so that the animals are likely to step in it. The smell that remains on their paws and the strong taste will remind them to visit a different garden.