How to Gain Sponsorship for an Event
- 1). Finalize the details of your event. Determine what the cause or purpose of the event will be, such as to raise money for a women's shelter or animal rescue. Decide what the event will entail, such as a food vendors or carnival games, and when and where it will take place.
- 2). Come up with a list of potential sponsors for your event. Think about local individuals, businesses and companies that you feel would be a good fit for your event and compile their contact information. Don't plan on contacting businesses that are completely unrelated to your event. For example, if you're organizing a bicycle race for charity, consider contacting local bicycle shops, extreme sport shops and local cycling clubs.
- 3). Design a logo for your event. Use a graphic design program on your computer to design the logo yourself or hire a graphic designer to make the logo for you. If you are hosting an event that has been held before, consider using the same logo again or make slight tweaks to the old logo. Place the logo on all letterhead and advertising for your event and place it prominently on your event's website.
- 1). Compose a sponsorship request letter and send it to each of the potential sponsors using word processing software. Format the letter so it is in standard business letter format. Address your letter to the marketing or public relations professional at each of the businesses or companies you are seeking sponsorship from.
- 2). Begin the introduction of your sponsorship letter by stating what kind of event you are hosting. Describe the details of the event, such as what it is, when it will take place and where. Explain the intention of the event and what cause or charity the proceeds will go toward.
- 3). Mention the potential for the event's success in the body of the letter. Provide information and statistics related to how successful the event has been in past years, such as saying "Over 6,000 people participated last year and helped raise a total of $22,000." If you're holding an event for the first time, gather the statistics from similar events that have been held in your area to see how they have fared. Doing this will help prove to your potential sponsors that your event is a good investment.
- 4). Explain how sponsoring your event can be beneficial for the sponsors. Mention that the logos of all sponsoring companies and businesses will be included in all advertising and signage of the event. Explain that giving those businesses so much exposure is like advertising that can help bring in business. For example, if you are hosting a bicycle race, participants might visit the sponsoring bike shop to get their bikes tuned up and to buy accessories.
- 5). State how much money you will need to successfully pay for and host the event. Do not request a specific amount of money from any of your potential sponsors. Instead, write that "Sponsorship and donations of any kind will be greatly appreciated." End the letter with your contact information and with a deadline for when you need an answer by.
Prepping Your Event
Writing a Sponsorship Letter