How Do You Get Business Interruption Insurance
Property insurance takes care of repairs needed to the building and the replacement of damaged equipment but lost income or profits and any expenses will be left to the business owner to handle. The responsibility of having to maintain the business financial requirements with no profit from the business can weigh heavy on most business owners. The majority of business owners will fold and the business will fail.
Business interruption insurance is an extension of another policy such as a business owners package or property insurance plan. Your agent will be able to explain the different policies that are available to you and help you in deciding which one is the most effective for your current needs.
There are several options that can be included in the policy, such as an extension on time that was originally planned for repairs to your building. You can protect yourself against delays in production with certain polices that will offer extra time or longer coverage. You should consider that it is normal for 48 hours to evolve before you have the policy become effective.
All insurance companies assess the risk before insuring and business interruption insurance is handled in the same manner. The type of business you have as well as the business location and the lenience of relocating your business for production will all help to determine your coverage cost.
You can expect a reduced cost in the policy if your business is easy to relocate and production can be continued if the building is closed. The insurance covers the expense of relocation for your business so they will not have to pay for lost profits and earnings.
Business interruption insurance covers lost profits and earnings for the business during the times it is not producing due to a forced closure. Your company financial records are used to determine the amount of profits or earnings you would have expected to make. Business records should always be maintained properly and be up to date, this is extremely important in the event of a disaster.
Continuing expenses are often covered by the business interruption insurance policy such as electricity and water if they are needed to maintain the business while the building is being repaired. You will not have the lease payments paid since the profits and earnings that would have been lost are covered through the policy. The insurance policy will cover the cost to relocate the business to a temporary location for production to restart.
There are several options for coverage amounts as well as time for coverage. You should not only ask your current agent but shop around for comparisons on cost and coverage amounts and terms.