Are Countertops Made of Granite Safe?
- Stone products naturally emit some amount of radiation. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency states that "most types of granite used in countertops and other aspects of home construction are probably not major contributors of radiation and radon in the home." The soil under your home is more likely to emit problematic levels of radon than your granite counter.
- Homeowners must seal granite because of its porous nature. Sealing granite helps thwart stains and bacteria, yet granite counters are not approved by the National Sanitation Foundation for use in commercial kitchens. Applying a non-toxic sealer annually and daily cleaning will inhibit bacteria from forming.
- Because granite is imported from remote areas of the world, the transportation process contributes to air pollution. Granite is not the ideal ecological choice. Local materials, such as remnant pieces or granite from a salvage yard, are preferable for purposes of controlling air pollution.
Radon and Radiation
Food Safety
Environmental Damage