GERD and Acid Reflux - Common Causes
This is caused by acid rising up from the stomach which will lead to a sharp pain from your chest to neck.
Heartburn can be regular in some patients but often irregular in most.
Regular esophageal discomfort is generally associated with acid reflux disease.
With acid reflux it is common for your body to swing back acid from your stomach and cause discomfort and pain.
This is generally the root of the problem.
In order to control your heart burn and acid reflux it is advised to be on a good diet.
In order to avoid this discomfort and pain it is smart to know what the causes are in the first place.
Some common causes are hormonal changes during pregnancy, large meals and eating habits, asthma, and smoking or drinking heavily.
Some rare causes are peptic ulcers and insufficient digestive enzymes and hiatus hernia (hiatal hernia).
In order to avoid heartburn it is smart to monitor your drinking, quit smoking, and lower your portion size for food.
Are there any medications and methods to reduce the pain and make the heart burn disappear? Yes, acid depressants, proton pump inhibitors, and anti-acids are all forms of medication and methods in order to reduce the discomfort heart burn may give you.
Knowing the common causes of heart burn you can know rest easy.
Just avoid those risks and you will have a painless and stomach acid reflux free day! It can be painful and change the way you live your life, for the worse, no doubt.
Act fast in reducing heart burn and avoid it all together.