Effective Natural Cures For Yeast Infections
Using simple but natural cures for yeast infections can give you a chance to save money and minimize mess while creating a healthier environment for your body. Many men, as well as women, get yeast infections several times per year.
In order to naturally treat a yeast infection you should take the time to understand what's going on with the body. This will help you gravitate toward a treatment plan that will work for you. Yeast is a natural agent found throughout the body, especially vaginally. There is a natural balance to the body that prevents the yeast from becoming heavily saturated and thereby causing an infection. That natural balance is based on bacteria. The yeast and the bacteria simply counteract each other and you remain healthy.
Some medications can be blamed for reducing the potency of the natural bacteria. The most commonly known medication is antibiotics, but steroid based drugs and birth control can also play a part in the reduction of the productive bacteria. Another very common cause is high frequency of sexual intercourse, which can increase the presence of yeast.
While douche is a very common practice among women for hygienically sound reasons, there are usually a certain amount of chemicals in douches. The frequent practice might very well be taking away essential bacteria and causing you to experience a higher number of yeast infections. Many physicians have started recommending a simple vinegar and water rinse rather than an actual douche.
Sometimes the body is to blame. Hormonal changes can be quite extreme in some people, causing an overproduction of yeast. During this time if you wear clothing that constricts the area you are likely to breed an infection.
Chemically based products are not only much more expensive but can be unhealthy to use on a regular basis, making natural cures for yeast infections a much more logical choice. You can't use treatment products from the store to prevent the infection, but natural solutions can be used for either prevention or cure.
For treatment of an infection, combine a small amount of water, vinegar, and a garlic clove in a bowl and allow it to rest. Once the garlic has blended with the concoction use the solution to clean the area thoroughly. You simply dab it or swab it on the area. If you are looking to prevent further infection, use the solution without the garlic as the garlic is an itch and burn controller.
Buttermilk and yogurt use are well known methods of treating a yeast infection. They are able to introduce the healthy bacteria back into the body and neutralize the situation. Two daily glasses of buttermilk is effective for prevention as well as for curing a yeast infection. It is possible to take a more active stance and give a tampon a soak in some buttermilk. Inserting the tampon for about an hour should be enough to neutralize the overpowering yeast.
Drink a couple of daily glasses of buttermilk and add yogurt to your diet. This is for treatment as well as for prevention. Many women have found that adding a tampon soaked in buttermilk to their treatment process helps speed up the relief. After soaking all you need to do is insert the tampon for about one hour and let the natural cultures wage war on the rampant yeast.
In order to naturally treat a yeast infection you should take the time to understand what's going on with the body. This will help you gravitate toward a treatment plan that will work for you. Yeast is a natural agent found throughout the body, especially vaginally. There is a natural balance to the body that prevents the yeast from becoming heavily saturated and thereby causing an infection. That natural balance is based on bacteria. The yeast and the bacteria simply counteract each other and you remain healthy.
Some medications can be blamed for reducing the potency of the natural bacteria. The most commonly known medication is antibiotics, but steroid based drugs and birth control can also play a part in the reduction of the productive bacteria. Another very common cause is high frequency of sexual intercourse, which can increase the presence of yeast.
While douche is a very common practice among women for hygienically sound reasons, there are usually a certain amount of chemicals in douches. The frequent practice might very well be taking away essential bacteria and causing you to experience a higher number of yeast infections. Many physicians have started recommending a simple vinegar and water rinse rather than an actual douche.
Sometimes the body is to blame. Hormonal changes can be quite extreme in some people, causing an overproduction of yeast. During this time if you wear clothing that constricts the area you are likely to breed an infection.
Chemically based products are not only much more expensive but can be unhealthy to use on a regular basis, making natural cures for yeast infections a much more logical choice. You can't use treatment products from the store to prevent the infection, but natural solutions can be used for either prevention or cure.
For treatment of an infection, combine a small amount of water, vinegar, and a garlic clove in a bowl and allow it to rest. Once the garlic has blended with the concoction use the solution to clean the area thoroughly. You simply dab it or swab it on the area. If you are looking to prevent further infection, use the solution without the garlic as the garlic is an itch and burn controller.
Buttermilk and yogurt use are well known methods of treating a yeast infection. They are able to introduce the healthy bacteria back into the body and neutralize the situation. Two daily glasses of buttermilk is effective for prevention as well as for curing a yeast infection. It is possible to take a more active stance and give a tampon a soak in some buttermilk. Inserting the tampon for about an hour should be enough to neutralize the overpowering yeast.
Drink a couple of daily glasses of buttermilk and add yogurt to your diet. This is for treatment as well as for prevention. Many women have found that adding a tampon soaked in buttermilk to their treatment process helps speed up the relief. After soaking all you need to do is insert the tampon for about one hour and let the natural cultures wage war on the rampant yeast.