The Power of Humility
Is it a weakness or a strength? To be humble according to the dictionary is to be "marked by meekness or modesty in behavior, attitude, or spirit; not arrogant or prideful.
" Some other dictionaries define it as "having a feeling of insignificance, inferiority" which I believe is an inaccurate definition of true humility.
What really does it mean to really be humble and have humility? Are some born with it and some without? Is it a personality trait or is it a characteristic developed by personal choice? Why should we bother developing humility? I hope some of the points below will provide us the answers.
What is Humility? 1.
Humility is not weakness, it is strength under control.
The humble know their strengths and acknowledge their weaknesses while the prideful overestimate their strengths and underestimate or ignore their weaknesses.
The humble do not flaunt their strengths to promote themselves but use their strengths to serve a purpose greater than themselves.
Humility is knowing who you are and who you are not.
The humble person knows who he is and who he is not.
There is no identity crisis and he does not try to be someone he is not.
We often waste so much effort and time trying to be someone we are not to please people we don't even admire.
A commonly mistaken sign of humility is someone who refuses to accept praise.
On the contrary, the person who is unable to accept praise graciously is likely struggling with ego and pride.
A truly humble person has the integrity to know when to accept praise graciously and to give others credit sincerely.
Humility is the root of all great, honorable and positive values.
Great leaders and champions all understand that humility is the true birthplace of greatness.
Only with humility are we able to learn, grow and develop to reach our best.
What are the benefits of having Humility? 1.
Humility enables you to learn from anyone, anything and anywhere.
The wise King Solomon shares this - "When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom.
" - Proverbs 11:2 Information does not necessary becomes knowledge.
Knowledge does not necessary becomes wisdom.
It is humility that enables us to gain true wisdom.
Humility gives you a strong, peaceful and secure inner strength.
"Before his downfall a man's heart is proud, but humility comes before honor.
" - Proverbs 18:12 Perhaps the greatest root cause of failure and evil is pride.
As Ziglar shares - "Talent may take you to the top but only character can keep you there.
" The world has too many talented individuals who fell because of ego and pride.
Humility enables you to see people and the situation clearly.
Who can put aside their personal opinions and see people and situations objectively? The humble person can see clearly what is right and not be distracted by who is right.
The man and woman of humility is the one who can see the best win-win solutions for all involved.
How can I start developing Humility? 1.
Always take the role of a servant and student.
The people who are the best in every field always position themselves as servants of others and perpectual students.
True experts are not those who "know it all" but those who are life long students of their fields.
Check the motivations for your actions.
Is it for self-exaltation (make yourself look good) or in the service of others? 3.
Make a personal commitment to kill pride and ego and never let it be the driving motivation in your life.
This is an intense and radical decision that will transform your life forever.
It will transform the way you look at situations and others.
Humility is the root and starting point of great character and true greatness.
It is a characteristic and a personal choice and leads to strong, lasting and sustainable success.
I want to encourage you to make a personal commitment to develop humility in your life this year.
Apply this in your life and I'm sure you will building radical and lasting success!
Is it a weakness or a strength? To be humble according to the dictionary is to be "marked by meekness or modesty in behavior, attitude, or spirit; not arrogant or prideful.
" Some other dictionaries define it as "having a feeling of insignificance, inferiority" which I believe is an inaccurate definition of true humility.
What really does it mean to really be humble and have humility? Are some born with it and some without? Is it a personality trait or is it a characteristic developed by personal choice? Why should we bother developing humility? I hope some of the points below will provide us the answers.
What is Humility? 1.
Humility is not weakness, it is strength under control.
The humble know their strengths and acknowledge their weaknesses while the prideful overestimate their strengths and underestimate or ignore their weaknesses.
The humble do not flaunt their strengths to promote themselves but use their strengths to serve a purpose greater than themselves.
Humility is knowing who you are and who you are not.
The humble person knows who he is and who he is not.
There is no identity crisis and he does not try to be someone he is not.
We often waste so much effort and time trying to be someone we are not to please people we don't even admire.
A commonly mistaken sign of humility is someone who refuses to accept praise.
On the contrary, the person who is unable to accept praise graciously is likely struggling with ego and pride.
A truly humble person has the integrity to know when to accept praise graciously and to give others credit sincerely.
Humility is the root of all great, honorable and positive values.
Great leaders and champions all understand that humility is the true birthplace of greatness.
Only with humility are we able to learn, grow and develop to reach our best.
What are the benefits of having Humility? 1.
Humility enables you to learn from anyone, anything and anywhere.
The wise King Solomon shares this - "When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom.
" - Proverbs 11:2 Information does not necessary becomes knowledge.
Knowledge does not necessary becomes wisdom.
It is humility that enables us to gain true wisdom.
Humility gives you a strong, peaceful and secure inner strength.
"Before his downfall a man's heart is proud, but humility comes before honor.
" - Proverbs 18:12 Perhaps the greatest root cause of failure and evil is pride.
As Ziglar shares - "Talent may take you to the top but only character can keep you there.
" The world has too many talented individuals who fell because of ego and pride.
Humility enables you to see people and the situation clearly.
Who can put aside their personal opinions and see people and situations objectively? The humble person can see clearly what is right and not be distracted by who is right.
The man and woman of humility is the one who can see the best win-win solutions for all involved.
How can I start developing Humility? 1.
Always take the role of a servant and student.
The people who are the best in every field always position themselves as servants of others and perpectual students.
True experts are not those who "know it all" but those who are life long students of their fields.
Check the motivations for your actions.
Is it for self-exaltation (make yourself look good) or in the service of others? 3.
Make a personal commitment to kill pride and ego and never let it be the driving motivation in your life.
This is an intense and radical decision that will transform your life forever.
It will transform the way you look at situations and others.
Humility is the root and starting point of great character and true greatness.
It is a characteristic and a personal choice and leads to strong, lasting and sustainable success.
I want to encourage you to make a personal commitment to develop humility in your life this year.
Apply this in your life and I'm sure you will building radical and lasting success!