How to Create a Bird Friendly Habitat
- 1). Provide water. A birdbath will attract birds that are not seed eaters and wouldn't normally seek out your yard for food. Choose a birdbath that is shallow and has a shallow slope to make it easy for birds to wade in and out. Add a bit of sand or gravel to give the birds firm footing. Save some money on your birdbath by making your own out of an old pan or trashcan lid.
- 2). Provide food. Keep a variety of food types available to attract more birds. Thistle seed, sunflower seed, millet mixtures, suet and fruit are good choices; each will require a different type of feeder. Attract orioles by offering jelly, but keep the amounts small because of the high sugar content. Check a field guide to birds to determine which birds are found in your area so you can tailor the food choices to their tastes. Keep fresh food in your feeders and be patient; it may take a few days or weeks for your neighborhood birds to find your offering.
- 3). Provide shelter. Nest boxes are available for a variety of birds, and if you're handy with tools you can even build your own using plans found online. Cornell University's Ornithology lab provides a good selection of building plans; you can find a link in the resources section below. Shelter does not have to mean nest boxes, however. Trees and shrubs provide nesting sites for many species of birds, as well as a place to hide from predators.
- 4). Provide nesting material. Make it easy for birds to nest in your yard, and it will become a favorite haven. Feathers, human or animal hair, yarn or string cut in 4 to 8 inch lengths, sheep's wool, and dead twigs and grass all make great nesting material for many birds. Put a combination of these materials in piles around the yard. Place material that is likely to blow away, such as hair or feathers, in mesh bags or suet cages and hang them from tree trunks or fence posts.