How Does a Hotel Manager Spend a Workday?
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Life in hotel management never stops. A hotel is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, and as a hotel manager, you are always on-call. You may leave the job at 5pm, but your beeper stays with you, and you must be ready to spring to action even at 2am in the morning. All hotel managers know and dread that 2am call, but it does happen. However, in a typical day, this is how a hotel manager spends his or her time. - Stock.Xchng
The hotel manager reviews the daily report. Every hotel produces a daily report that recaps all the activity within the last 24 hours. This daily report includes hotel statistics, like the daily budget and total earnings. It includes customer requests, or any complaints that have occurred. It also includes maintenance issues. - Stock.Xchng
The hotel manager meets with heads of staff. The hotel manager conducts a staff meeting with key department heads. In this meeting, the staff discusses and resolves issues on the daily report. They also discuss any other issues that may not have been included on the daily report. The hotel manager may assign projects to individual department heads, or create teams to resolve issues. - Stock.Xchng
The hotel manager recruits and interviews potential staff. In larger hotels, it's generally the responsibility of the human resources department to recruit staff, although a hotel manager can do so, if they find an attractive candidate. The hotel manager does interview all staff and has the final stay in the hiring process. - Dominik Gwarek
The hotel manager oversees the hotel's budget. The hotel manager oversees the budget, and pays special attention to spending. A crucial responsibility of any hotel manager is to ensure that the hotel remains profitable for its owner(s). A big part of the day is spend in creating financial projections for the next quarter, analyzing room revenue, and comparing the hotel's performance with the competition. Larger hotels have accounting departments, but the hotel manager oversees this department. The hotel manager reviews, approves, and disapproves of all expenses. - Stock.Xchng
He or she handles complaints. Usually around checkout time, the hotel manager is busy handling complaints, or the occasional compliment. The first line of defense is the front desk staff, and lower level management. If left unresolved, or if the issue is egregious, the hotel manager will step in and personally resolve guest complaints. The typical hotel manager is always busy. When interacting with a hotel manager, get to the point quickly. - FOTOCROMO
The hotel manager greets customers. Although largely behind the scenes, the hotel manager does come out of his/her office to greet customers. They also oversee the staff in action, to make sure the guests are being treated with great service. When you visit a hotel, ask to speak to the manager, and give your polite impression of the hotel. Hotel managers are always interested in knowing how their hotel is received.