Suffering From Panic and Anxiety Disorder? Many Do, Especially Women
Though anxiety is mostly thought as the pathological component of an out of the ordinary fear, it is made tangibly obvious by disturbances in one's thinking, mood, physiological activity and behavior.
These disturbances manifest themselves in debilitating behaviors such as agoraphobia, panic disorder, social phobia, specific phobia, generalized anxiety disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, acute stress disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder.
The pathological root of the disorder usually lies in the recurring memory of a terrorizing moment of fear or severe discomfort experienced at some point in time.
Panic and anxiety disorders are characterized by periods of disability, recurrent or relapsing and chronic ailments.
If an individual experiences a minimum of two unexpected panic attacks, they may start developing persistent worries or concerns which can serve as a catalyst for continued panic attacks.
Panic disorders can be generally broken into several categories with frequency of incidence for generalized anxiety disorder being roughly twenty five per cent, social phobia about thirty per cent, obsessive-compulsive disorder at about ten per cent and specific phobia around twenty per cent.
Women are more likely to develop panic disorder compared to men.
This usually occurs in between mid-adulthood and late adolescence.
Characteristically, an earlier onset leads to larger risks of impairment and chronicity.
The possibility of developing an anxiety disorder emanates from a mix of life experiences, genetic factors, and psychological traits.
There are various psychological studies that explore the psycho-dynamic, anxiety-psychoanalytic, cognitive and behavioral theories.
The relative roles of anxiety disorders differ since they are very heterogeneous.
Few anxiety disorders such as panic disorder have strong base in genetics when compared to others, though there is some identification of actual genes.
Panic and anxiety disorder is caused by repeated panic attacks which are sudden feelings of terror without any reason.
The symptoms are breathing difficulty, chest pain, fast heartbeat and dizziness.
when suffering from occurrences of panic disorder, the regularity of panic attacks starts taking an emotional toll.
Therapies and medicine can help you how to identify and vary your patterns of thinking before they lead to panic.