How to Prank Sleeping People
- 1). Pose around a person who's sleeping on a chair or a couch and act like you're playing a lively game; perhaps put playing cards or a game controller in his hands. Take lots of pictures. Talk about it the next day as if the person should remember it.
- 2). Stack small paper cups on top of the person -- as many as you possibly can. If the person has fallen asleep in the middle of a party, this could be a two-player game to see who can build the largest pyramid.
- 3). Draw a funky mustache on the sleeping person's face with a washable marker. If that doesn't wake him up, you can add a beard and sideburns.
- 4). Squirt whipped cream or shaving cream into your sleeping victim's hand. If you're impatient, gently tickle his nose, then watch him smear the cream everywhere trying to get rid of the tickle.
- 5). Find something that will be embarrassing for your victim, like a doll, a pin-up picture, a textbook -- anything he shouldn't be sleeping with. Tuck it in next to him. Take pictures.
- 6). Arrange chairs around the sleeper. Wrap toilet paper around the chairs, and over the top, completely surrounding the person in toilet paper. When he wakes up and bursts through the toilet paper, either cheer like he's a runner who's just won a race, or scream like he's a zombie digging out of a grave.