Millionaire Secret Number 4 - How To Become Rich, Then Move From Rich to Wealthy
The answer to this question is the millionaire secret that we will be looking at in this article.
Often, it takes time for any new venture to take flight.
There is a period of time between starting a new activity and performing that activity in the best way possible.
The same applies to making money.
Many good business ideas get shoved aside for the next best thing.
Those of us with the desire to make millions, sometimes do not realize this secret.
But rich people use this secret and harness it, becoming very wealthy year after year as a result.
Sticking with the first opportunity for a year, instead of pursuing four different opportunities for three months each in the same year, would yield much greater results.
The rich know that once you do something long enough, then a pattern emerges and you become better and better.
The result is minimized costs, less resources used, and maximized output, and profits.
While sticking with it is the secret: what enables you to harness the power of this secret is another secret, this is called managing your emotions.
Lack of emotional control, is what makes us give up on a venture way too soon.
The two most powerful emotions that control the way we make our decisions are fear, and greed.
Out of fear, we would move along before properly giving a new opportunity ample time to become profitable, because we are afraid of failure, so we exit prematurely.
Without this fear of failure we would most likely stick with the process, until we succeed.
On the other hand, because of greed, we would chase a new opportunity every day, because the rewards seemed greater, or the process seemed easier.
This greed will cause us to master no business niche or see the millions we are looking for.
Often, it takes time for any new venture to take flight.
There is a period of time between starting a new activity and performing that activity in the best way possible.
The same applies to making money.
Many good business ideas get shoved aside for the next best thing.
Those of us with the desire to make millions, sometimes do not realize this secret.
But rich people use this secret and harness it, becoming very wealthy year after year as a result.
Sticking with the first opportunity for a year, instead of pursuing four different opportunities for three months each in the same year, would yield much greater results.
The rich know that once you do something long enough, then a pattern emerges and you become better and better.
The result is minimized costs, less resources used, and maximized output, and profits.
While sticking with it is the secret: what enables you to harness the power of this secret is another secret, this is called managing your emotions.
Lack of emotional control, is what makes us give up on a venture way too soon.
The two most powerful emotions that control the way we make our decisions are fear, and greed.
Out of fear, we would move along before properly giving a new opportunity ample time to become profitable, because we are afraid of failure, so we exit prematurely.
Without this fear of failure we would most likely stick with the process, until we succeed.
On the other hand, because of greed, we would chase a new opportunity every day, because the rewards seemed greater, or the process seemed easier.
This greed will cause us to master no business niche or see the millions we are looking for.