National 'Caregiving 101' Program Rolls into Action
In 2000, Congress created the National Family Caregiver Support Program, which is giving $125 million this year to states to develop aid programs for families. A Senate hearing today took an early look at the initiative.
'Informal' caregiving provided by a relative is often the only financial option for a family, but its 24/7 nature can be physically and mentally exhausting. According to Deborah Briceland-Betts, executive director of the Older Women's League, the typical informal caregiver is a married woman in her mid-40s to mid-50s. Already a full-time employee, the typical caregiver spends about 18 hours per week taking care of others.
Beyond those challenges, caregivers have to figure out -- often from scratch -- what they need to provide and how they can do it.
"Our community has 'Dial a Nurse' for medical questions," said Sandra Tatom, a Boise, Idaho, caregiver to her mother who spoke at the hearing. "But we could use a 'Dial a Caregiver' for caregiver questions. We just don't know what we're looking at down the line."
According to the Administration on Aging, families give 95% of the long-term care for frail older Americans, and almost 75% of the caregivers are women. If the work of the estimated 7 million informal caregivers in this country were replaced by paid home care workers, it would cost between $45 and $94 billion a year, the aging agency reported.
The new program is intended to allow states flexibility to design their own caregiver support initiatives, but it outlines five key areas for assistance:
- Giving families information about health conditions, as well as available community resources and services
- Providing assistance in getting families the help they need
- Offering counseling, support groups, and training to help families face the challenges of caregiving
- Providing respite care, so families can be temporarily relieved from their caregiving responsibilities
- Granting limited supplemental services, such as home modifications, nutritional supplements, and incontinence supplies