Cure a UTI - 7 Alternative Treatments that Work
You can cure a UTI [] in less than a day with simple alternative treatments! I recently told a friend this after she was once again redeveloping another urinary tract infection. She looked at me like I was lying to her.
Unfortunately, many Americans are just as skeptical about natural remedies and alternative treatments as my friend was. And I believe that western medicine has given us this mindset about natural health.
Whatever the case, research is now proving that urinary tract infections can be cured by natural remedies and healthier living. Let me explain why UTI alternative treatments could work for you!
Antibiotics Not Working?
You most likely are reading this article because of your lack of success with antibiotics. As with my friend, you probably have tried antibiotics numerous times and redeveloped the infection weeks to months later.
Redeveloping a UTI is very common after antibiotic use. Unfortunately, antibiotics are still doctors' best treatment.
However, thousands of patients are now turning to natural health to permanently heal their infection. In fact, the use of natural remedies and a healthier lifestyle is ultimately the best way to treat your infection. And the only reason why doctors are not sharing this information with you is because remedies are still considered taboo in most parts of the U.S. and financial pressure from large drug companies.
Here are what doctors should have told you about curing UTI!
Cure UTI with Natural Remedies
Curing your urinary tract infection is a matter of flushing your bladder and killing the E coli bacteria that is causing your infection. Though this may sound difficult, it may be just a matter of staying well hydrated and eating healthier. Here are some tips to cure UTI.
1. Boost your immunity to start fighting your infection by supplementing vitamin C. You should supplement 1000 mg of vitamin C (ascorbic acid) at every meal. Do not exceed 3000 mg daily.
2. You should also consider supplement zinc. Zinc helps the body absorb and use the vitamin C to boost the immune system. It is critical to have a healthy immunity if you want to cure your urinary tract infection.
3. Make sure you are drinking plenty of water throughout the day and going to the bathroom regularly. Do not hold it.
4. If you are a woman, make sure you wipe from front to back.
5. You should also eat a diet that is loaded with fruits and vegetables. Try to go for 5-7 servings daily.
6. Drinking unsweetened cranberry juice is a great idea to keep the bad bacteria from clinging to your urinary tract's walls.
7. Lastly, you have probably heard of one person who takes a swig of apple cider vinegar daily for good health. Since apple cider vinegar is loaded with minerals, vitamins, enzymes and potassium, it acts like a natural antibiotic to help fight off infection. Combine 1 table spoon with a cup of warm water and drink up!
How to Cure UTI in 12 Hours Flat
If you are tired of repeat doctor visits and antibiotics that don't work, take a moment and read about a 100% guaranteed, step by step remedy that cures UTI in 12 hours. My friend recently did just this and has been infection free for almost 6 months now!
Cure a UTI
Cure a UTI with this 100% satisfaction guaranteed, step by step, researched based Urinary Tract Infection Remedy Report. Joe Barton and Barton Publishing promise you will not be disappointed.
Cure a UTI
Unfortunately, many Americans are just as skeptical about natural remedies and alternative treatments as my friend was. And I believe that western medicine has given us this mindset about natural health.
Whatever the case, research is now proving that urinary tract infections can be cured by natural remedies and healthier living. Let me explain why UTI alternative treatments could work for you!
Antibiotics Not Working?
You most likely are reading this article because of your lack of success with antibiotics. As with my friend, you probably have tried antibiotics numerous times and redeveloped the infection weeks to months later.
Redeveloping a UTI is very common after antibiotic use. Unfortunately, antibiotics are still doctors' best treatment.
However, thousands of patients are now turning to natural health to permanently heal their infection. In fact, the use of natural remedies and a healthier lifestyle is ultimately the best way to treat your infection. And the only reason why doctors are not sharing this information with you is because remedies are still considered taboo in most parts of the U.S. and financial pressure from large drug companies.
Here are what doctors should have told you about curing UTI!
Cure UTI with Natural Remedies
Curing your urinary tract infection is a matter of flushing your bladder and killing the E coli bacteria that is causing your infection. Though this may sound difficult, it may be just a matter of staying well hydrated and eating healthier. Here are some tips to cure UTI.
1. Boost your immunity to start fighting your infection by supplementing vitamin C. You should supplement 1000 mg of vitamin C (ascorbic acid) at every meal. Do not exceed 3000 mg daily.
2. You should also consider supplement zinc. Zinc helps the body absorb and use the vitamin C to boost the immune system. It is critical to have a healthy immunity if you want to cure your urinary tract infection.
3. Make sure you are drinking plenty of water throughout the day and going to the bathroom regularly. Do not hold it.
4. If you are a woman, make sure you wipe from front to back.
5. You should also eat a diet that is loaded with fruits and vegetables. Try to go for 5-7 servings daily.
6. Drinking unsweetened cranberry juice is a great idea to keep the bad bacteria from clinging to your urinary tract's walls.
7. Lastly, you have probably heard of one person who takes a swig of apple cider vinegar daily for good health. Since apple cider vinegar is loaded with minerals, vitamins, enzymes and potassium, it acts like a natural antibiotic to help fight off infection. Combine 1 table spoon with a cup of warm water and drink up!
How to Cure UTI in 12 Hours Flat
If you are tired of repeat doctor visits and antibiotics that don't work, take a moment and read about a 100% guaranteed, step by step remedy that cures UTI in 12 hours. My friend recently did just this and has been infection free for almost 6 months now!
Cure a UTI
Cure a UTI with this 100% satisfaction guaranteed, step by step, researched based Urinary Tract Infection Remedy Report. Joe Barton and Barton Publishing promise you will not be disappointed.
Cure a UTI