What is Sepia Good for?
- Photos with a sepia tone have a vintage feel because of the history identified with this type of coloration.
- Placing a sepia tone on a photograph makes it more classic and timeless. It takes the emphasis away from the colors, which may be a sign of the time period the photograph was taken in.
- Sometimes color can be distracting to a photo and turning it into sepia will refocus the emphasis. For example, a large red object in the background of a portrait will draw the eyes away from the person and toward the background if left in color.
- Many people feel that the brown tones of sepia add extra romance to the feeling of the photograph. There is no technical reason for this. It is simply a personal preference.
- Sepia is often used instead of black and white when the photograph is going to be framed in wood tones. Black and white can clash with some wood tones, but sepia will match any wood tone.
Vintage Feel
Timeless Photos
Matching Woodtones