Top 4 Excuses That Keep Homeschooling Moms Fat

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I know what a typical day is like for the homeschooling mom.
You try to get up before the kids to get some things done because once the kids are up, you are constantly running around.
Breakfast needs to be made, dishes need to be washed or put in the dishwasher, school work assignments are dispensed and explained, and the list goes on and on until you fall into bed at night completely exhausted.
When are you supposed to fit exercise in? How are you supposed to fix healthy meals on a budget? It is possible and I am going to dispel the most common excuses that I hear from busy moms, especially busy homeschool moms.
Excuse #1: I have no time! The truth of the matter is, you need to MAKE time for yourself.
You will never find the time if you are constantly searching for it.
I'm sure you know the supermom.
The mom who is able to keep the house super clean, grind her own flour, bake fresh bread every day, make all her kids meals and snacks from scratch, homeschool six kids and still have date night with her husband.
I personally know a few of those women.
They amaze me and I constantly find myself in awe of their dedication and organization skills.
What makes them able to do all those things? They make time for each activity and they are very well organized.
Learn how to better organize your life so you can get everything of importance done and still have time for the most important people in your life, your family.
Excuse #2: I can't afford a gym membership, treadmill, _________ (you fill in the blank).
Getting fit is not expensive.
You do not need lots of equipment.
In fact, in my programs that have helped women lose fat fast and permanently, they use no more than dumbbells, stability balls and their own bodyweight.
Instead of looking at this as an expense, you should be looking at it as an investment.
Investing in your health now will save you hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars in medical bills and doctor visits.
Women who are fit are sick less often.
Women who are fit have husbands and children who are fit.
Excuse #3: My kids are all young and I can't get any time to myself.
If your kids are young, then they probably still take naps.
There are no hard rules that say you must get all your exercise done in one shot.
You CAN spread it out over the entire day and it all still counts.
Perhaps you can get in 10 minutes before they wake up, another 10 minutes while they are napping and the last 10 minutes when hubby comes home from work.
Using the right exercises, you can get one complete workout done in 10 minutes tops and not have to do anything else for the rest of the day but enjoy your children.
It might require you to get creative with your time management, but it can be done and if you want results, you better get it done.
Excuse #4: My family is not very supportive.
Create your own support group.
If you have friends or relatives that are on their own quest for better health, take advantage of that.
Start an e-mail group, a walking club or better yet, join Inspiration Fitness Club and get the online support from other like-minded women, many who are themselves homeschoolers.
The problem with trying to get support from those who are close to you is the very fact that they know you too well.
They know how many times you have said today is the day I am going to lose this weight.
They have endured the many diets you have been on and failed.
They really don't want you to fail again and are trying to protect you from further frustration and hurt.
Don't try to do this on your own.
Many studies have been done regarding weight loss and support groups.
Those that are part of a support group are much more successful than those who do it on their own.
Besides, who doesn't like someone encouraging and praising them for work well done? We sure don't hear that very often while homeschooling! All our work is done behind the scenes.
The reward comes later when our children have graduated and have begun their own families.
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